Wednesday 6 May 2020

Day 45 - Lockdown

Day 45 of Lockdown.

So here we are in the middle of the week and one more day before the Bank Holiday weekend.  Had another very busy day in the office.  I also managed to make a small video for our website, not sure what the 'Boss' will think! 

We went on our daily walk tonight and look what we found under the bridge.  Very pretty - saw lots of others also - will share them another day.  As you can see below Teddy is on his training lead.  We are trying to get him to come back.  Typical there was no reason to get him back as he behaved himself and didn't go after people when he saw them.

I feel much better today, not so grumpy, although I did have a problem falling asleep and didn't want to wake up this morning.  Can't have it all hey!

I have been doing some planning with the boys  - what we are making for our afternoon tea celebrations on Friday.  Hopefully mini Victoria sponges, chocolate cake, scones and ginger cake.  We may need to make some bread for our sarnies as I think we may run out before then.  I forgot to tell you I have started another Sour Dough Starter and all is well so far...only time will tell, we are only on day 3.

I haven't really got a lot to report, but I am hoping to have more time this weekend and I want to share some photos and stories about some of our family.  I am hoping I can find a particular photo or two to share with you.

Todays recipe is Chocolate Torte from Fay Ripley's Cookbook.  This is a no flour recipe and it works really well. It is really light believe it or not and great with cream or ice cream.  I have a friend that can't eat flour so this tends to be my go-to recipe.

So until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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