Wednesday 27 May 2020

Day 66 - Stay Alert

Day 66 of this crazy life we are living at the moment.

We haven't been out for a walk tonight, so I found a photo I have already shared I think.  I like to always put a picture on here so found this one.

Today has been a funny old day, to be honest.  I love the fact that we can go outside and relax when we want to on our new seating area and also take my laptop if I want to.  Its been really quiet and I suspect that is mainly because it is half-term this week and quite a few people were meant to be away, including ourselves, although we were thinking of making it only a few days as Matthew should have been taking his exams.

I have done a little bit of work.  I cut the boys hair this morning as they both could have had a ponytail at the back, it was getting ridiculous.  Matthew said it was too hot with that much hair.  They do look surprisingly good.

We had to wait all day for a parcel to arrive.  We ordered some nice smoked foods for Chris's Mum as it is her 80th Birthday today and we wanted to get them some treats.  We should have been celebrating it this weekend with lots of family, but that has unfortunately been cancelled and we hope to do it next year instead.  Happy Birthday, Jeannie.  Matthew also made her a blueberry loaf cake, but when he took it off the paper he managed to break it in half - he was most upset, but it still looked good and I am sure it will taste lovely.  It appears she has been thoroughly spoilt today as lots of deliveries of gifts were delivered.  We popped over tonight to drop off her treats and just said Hi to them.  Its the first time the boys had gone anywhere in the car.

I feel a little weird today, not sure why.  I just find this lockdown/Stay Alert thing a bit confusing.  I don't want to move away from lockdown at the moment as I am not sure I feel very safe anywhere.  As I haven't really been anywhere - are people keeping to the rules?  I only see things on the television so I can only really go by that.  At least when we were in lockdown we all knew where we stood.  

Just thought I would share with you the Blueberry Muffin Loaf Cake recipe that Matthew made today. It's one of Jo Wheatley's recipes.  As you know we are big fans of her recipe books.

So until tomorrow....stay alert and keep your distance!

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