Monday 4 May 2020

Day 43 - Lockdown

Day 43 of Lockdown and it's another Monday over with.

Had a bit of a mixed day today.  Just didn't seem to be able to focus for some unknown reason and hope tomorrow is much better.  I think maybe this lockdown is beginning to get to me, who knows.

Its the VE Day bank holiday on Friday - has anybody got any 'home' plans?  I am wondering about doing us afternoon tea.  Some scones, sandwiches and cake.  I did have some bunting but I got rid of it and I don't have a sewing machine anymore, so we shall just have to get the cake stands out to celebrate!

So recipe is back today.  Another family favourite is Chicken & Chorizo Potato Pots.  They are really quite easy to make and great for sticking in the oven on a timer when we are out with the boys for football training.  At the moment I am trying not to use two meats in any food dishes so we have enough food in the cupboards, so we haven't had this for quite some time now.  As you can tell we like Chorizo.  

For some time Matthew seems to get indigestion after eating his tea and we have been trying to work out what has been causing it.  We think we have pinned it down to Potato.  It can be anything potato. We have now tried him eating sweet potato and he seems fine.  Potato is part of the Nightshade family like tomatoes, but he seems ok with tomato, so its a little odd.  We now make him sweet potato where possible.

I haven't really got much else to report today, but hopefully something exciting might happen tomorrow.

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!!

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