Monday 11 May 2020

Day 50 - Lockdown from Strict to 'Stay Alert'

Day 50 of Lockdown from strict to a 'Stay Alert'.

So what do you reckon to Boris and his speech last night?  I can understand why so many people thought it was so confusing as there wasn't anything concrete supplied.  It sounds like more information was supplied tonight although I haven't seen it as yet.

As you can see somebody left some more stones for our walk tonight.  I can apparently now go for a walk or other exercise a lot more now - I wish I had the energy to!!!  I love seeing these stones - I am always looking for them now.

Had another very busy day at work, which has been great, but goodness I do not know where the times goes.  Before I know its 5pm and thinking about finishing.

We had another Cook Food meal tonight.  Oh my goodness it was just amazing.  Melt in the mouth Beef Stroganoff.  Had it with some tagliatelle.  I will be ordering that one again.  We were saying that although these meals sound expensive, for 4 of with the accompanying food it probably costs around £18.00, which I don't think is too bad for 4 of us to eat a decent meal.  Its like having a takeaway or meal out if you haven't had to make it.  Matthew laughs at us as we don't have very many takeaways - maybe 1 or 2 a month normally, but haven't had anything at all since all this social distancing and lockdown occurred.

Not a lot else has really happened since we last caught up.  Thank you everyone for your comments on last nights blog.  I have managed to order the wood we need for our new seating area - now just need it to turn up!

Thought I would share a recipe for Chocolate and Pear Torte with you tonight.  Its a really nice recipe from Jo Wheatley,  but I am unable to find it on her website, but found it elsewhere for you.  Its great as you get your fruit and chocolate fix!

I also have a friend called Jo Wheatley, which is funny as when I type these recipes up I think of her.  Jo is a teacher as well as an amazing baker and cake decorator.  How she manages to fit all that in with teaching I will never know.  She has just started her own Youtube Channel baking so she can give her students something to do whilst they are not in school - its really good.  Matthew was looking at it yesterday so he can make some more scones that might rise a little higher.  I told him not to handle the mix too much, but having Jo say it, obviously means he will follow the tips.

So until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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