Saturday 9 May 2020

Day 48 - Lockdown

Day 48 of Lockdown.

What a beautiful day it has been.  As you can see we saw a new stone on our walk tonight.  It was another lovely walk - all off us - Simon decided that crocs a size too small had to be worn - that child is a loony.  

We also started our new project that went from a cheap conversion of pallets to a not so cheap project.  We have already got the paint and ordered the comfy seating.   Need to order some wood on Monday for delivery and hopefully a few days later we may have our new seating area.  I will keep you updated.  I am hoping for a table also - got the castors ready to be able to move it around.  

I think we all need to be prepared to spend a lot more time at home in the coming months, so I want to make our time here as comfortable as possible.  

We all sit in anticipation of what is going to be said tomorrow night when Boris lets us in on his secret plan!  I personally don't want too much to change too quickly as we will all be back in lockdown again.  We all need to be sensible about it.

Had a nice BBQ tonight.  We have been using all the things up in the freezer, so we ended up with mini sausages, burgers and mini sweetcorn.  We love Sweetcorn done on the BBQ.  I wrap them individually in foil with butter and seasoning and they are just amazing when cooked.

I have been looking for some photos today and found a few to show you, but there is one in particular I have been looking for and couldn't find it.  I will still keep looking and hope to be able to share it tomorrow.  Not sure my dad will be too chuffed when he sees a photo I am going to share!  

I thought I would share with you the lovely Sticky Stem Ginger Cake that Matthew made us for our Afternoon Tea.  If you like Ginger Cake you will love this.  I am a big fan, which Matthew knows and he loves them too.

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!

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