Friday 15 May 2020

Day 54 - Lockdown to 'Stay Alert'

Day 54 and its Friday!!!!  And looks like being a glorious weekend, although we really could do with getting some rain.

So here are todays stones we found on our travels.

Teddy has had a nice day of tractor driving and eating whatever he can find in the garden and that includes sticks and my garden ornaments.  That dog will have no pocket money left after replacing all the things he has decided to break.  We have to be so careful with what we put outside now - he is a nightmare!

So what have you all got planned to keep yourselves busy over the weekend.  I wish it was visiting the seaside and having breakfast on the pier, but that is not the right way to go about things at the moment, so we are keeping well away.  We are going to continue with our seating area as the wood has turned up.  The Lazy Spa is going to get its first airing since last year.  We left it part pumped up in our shed - it takes most of the floor space up.  It will be nice not to move around that every time we go in there.  The house needs its weekly clean and more washing has mounted up.  At least when the boys were at school all they really wore all week was a uniform.  Simon is hilarious as when he is at school if he isn't doing activities in the evening, he sits around in his dressing gown - we call it his 'smoking jacket' as that what they used to call it years ago I believe.  Please note he doesn't smoke, well not when I am around!

We did the shopping collection and deliveries this morning.  All went ok, thank goodness... until next week.

Our Zoom quiz was brilliant again, thank you Melissa and Russ, we really enjoy these get togethers.

We have another quiz tomorrow night and we are doing a Geography round - this should be fun... it got a bit messy last time!  I had to order some more wine this week.

So until tomorrow, please all take care and....keep your distance!

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