Sunday 24 May 2020

Day 63 - Stay Alert

Day 63 - the day count is getting higher... when will this end?

So another Sunday.  We didn't have anything really planned as most jobs have been done so we put our thinking caps on.... We went for a walk to the next village along the public footpaths.  I popped into the shop whilst Teddy stayed with the rest of the family and had a drink.  We then made our way back and bumped into our neighbours.  Its really funny how people must think of things on the same day, as we haven't been on that footpath since The Beast From the East descended upon us and apparently they have only ever been there once!  Also found that our other neighbours went out walking today but in the other direction. We all must be running out of jobs to do at home.

I baked a Carrot Cake this afternoon for pudding after our BBQ, which I have to say was delicious.  After tea Teddy decided he needed another walk, so I took him on his short circuit; as we call it - image shown here.  Where that dog gets his energy from I will never know as I am shattered.

I have managed to order a few more bits for the garden today.  We needed a cover for the new seating area and BBQ, so got all that sorted and a few scatter cushions to make the seating even more comfortable.  I want some nice weather to be able to sit out there, but on the other hand we need some rain for the crops to continue growing.  

We have had a nice relaxing day and the weather is lovely this evening, as it was still very windy this morning and quite chilly.  I have even managed to read one book and on the second now!

So until tomorrow... please keep your distance!

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