Tuesday 12 May 2020

Day 51 - Lockdown from Strict to 'Stay Alert'

Day 51 - And not too far away from the 60 days I predicted.

As you can see at the end of this post, we saw some more stones on our walk.  They are so lovely.

Guess who decided to jump into the ditch for a drink?  He is such a silly dog - he ended up with the cold hosepipe when we got back.  He looked like he was wearing a pair of wellies the rest of the walk.  It was quite funny as he one minute he was there and the next he was gone.  The only ditch we know he has been in he couldn't get out of so I was a little surprised how he managed this one.

We had some homemade pizza for tea tonight and it was lovely.  Had pepperoni, pineapple and lots of cheese on it.  Even had homemade tomato sauce.

I don't know where the days go at the moment as it has just been so manic and don't know which way to turn, but thats a really good thing considering the way things are at the moment.

I haven't mentioned about how I feel lately and I'm sure you don't really need to know, but here goes.  I feel strangely relaxed about the whole lockdown situation.  In fact, I am probably a little worried about moving around even as much as they have told us we can.  Maybe its because we have been in lockdown so long, I don't know.  I don't want to chance anything by going to too many places.  Probably best to stay at home a bit longer.  

Not really a lot has happened since the last time I typed on here, so I haven't really got much to tell you, so I am going to say goodnight for tonight.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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