Tuesday 5 May 2020

Day 44 - Lockdown

Day 44 of Lockdown.

I hadn't got a picture for you tonight so my lovely model posed for me.  In actual fact he got right stroppy and wouldn't stop moving so I struggled to get any sort of picture.  He is being a little monkey 🐵 at the moment.  I think this lockdown thing is getting right on his nerves even though he probably gets more attention and walks than before.

I have felt really grumpy today.  Not sure why, but I just struggled to concentrate again and just wasn't really full of the joys. Hopefully be better tomorrow, but I said that yesterday.  All the uncertainty is getting to me and just want to get back to some sort of normality.  Went for a little walk tonight which did make me feel a bit better.

As you can tell I haven't really got a lot to report.  Simon has purchased himself a mini fridge for his bedroom.  That child is hilarious.  Who needs a mini fridge in their bedroom.  He wants it to store his drinks and Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream apparently.  We hardly see him now, so I wonder how much we will see him when he gets into it.

So todays recipe is Oat & Raisin Cookies from Hummingbird Bakery Recipe Book.  They are our most favourite cookie that we make.  You do have to take them out of the oven when the edges are just cooked so that they are soft in the middle.  I am unable to find the recipe online so I have added it to my blog list for you.

I will have to make up for todays short version another day.... sorry just been one of those days, I'm sure you all have them too.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

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