Friday 22 May 2020

Day 61 - Stay Alert

Day 61 - And we are still on stay alert especially on this bank holiday weekend.

I have to be honest I am looking forward to 3 days rest this weekend.  I don't know why it feels like its been a long week... maybe its because its been busy but also so hot.  The nights have been so warm.  We opened the double doors upstairs last night and more windows as it was just so warm, but at 5:45 the wind was getting up and it was so noisy I got up to shut them, then an early wake up for the first shopping collection at 6-8am!

We then had a collection at 10-11am, so in between we made a delivery and we also have a special delivery to make next Wednesday as Chris's mum is 80!

Had a lovely walk this evening until Teddy decided to go awol and Chris and Matthew had to go after him.  He found mole hills in the field and thought he would investigate every one of them.  It was a nightmare as it was near the drive to the houses where we live.  I went on patrol near the road in case he got that close.  His fishy treats got him back.  He can be such a little monkey sometimes, but love him all the same.

So what have you all got planned this weekend?  I think we are going to finally put together the new painted seating area and as the seat pads are here I can't wait to relax on them and maybe read a book or two while topping up the sun tan!  Have the usual washing, cleaning and cooking to do, but boy do I feel like a need a few naughty drinks and treats.

So until tomorrow.... please keep your distance!

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