Saturday 16 May 2020

Day 55 - Stay Alert

Day 55 of this barmy situation.  

So how is your weekend going so far?  I don't know where the day has gone.

A certain somebody got up around 7:15am to go to work and unfortunately woke we up.  So much for the lie in I wanted.  Was downstairs by 8am to take my little furry friend out for a wee and then the day started.  I have done loads of washing, cleaned the whole place from top to bottom - hopefully I will be able to walk tomorrow.  Been for a small walk with Teddy. Baked some banana and chocolate mini cakes, made a pineapple cheesecake and guess what I am making for tea? (picture below). End Result at the end!

So tonight we have a zoom quiz - 2nd of the week, we are really pushing the boat out this week!  We do have music and dancing at the end of this one and its a very boozy affair, so lord knows what we will be like tomorrow.  I started drinking whilst making dinner at 5:30pm.

Haven't really got much else to report, so really sorry its a very short version, hopefully more will have happened tomorrow, so I can make it a bit longer.

Happy Birthday Charlie!! 🎂🎂

So all have a wonderful evening, so until tomorrow... keep your distance!

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