Monday 1 June 2020

Day 71 - Stay Alert still!

Day 71 - gosh the days are mounting up aren't they.

As you can see from this lovely photo I got a very special delivery today!  They are just beautiful and sent to 'make me smile'.  Thank you, Claire, they are very welcome and brighten up our snug room where we spend most of our time.  The chocolates will also go down nicely - I have hidden them as they won't last 5 minutes here.

So how has my Monday been?  Well, it has been a really odd day.  I found it really hard to get myself going this morning.  I don't know if its because I had such a lazy weekend, the weather or the whole goings on.... who knows hey!  So when I did get myself going, I am not really sure what I achieved.  I know I need to do some homework on various things as I have been getting frustrated going round in circles, so think it best I understand what I am doing and the best way forward.  Everybody has an opinion on this and that and they don't seem to agree, so it's hard to know which way to turn for the best.  I bet you loved that riddle didn't you.

We are having another Cook Food meal tonight and really looking forward to it.  As you can tell I am writing this earlier today as I want to have a lounge around in the spa tonight....yes I am sorry, but you are coming second to me lazing around yet again.  The boys in the family are having the Fish Pie and I am having Beef & Stout Stew with Cheese Scones on top.  Guess what I am having with my stew......?? CHIPS!!! Yes, I am being extremely weird and naughty tonight and I really don't care.  As you can tell I am in one of those moods today.

There must be something going on in the family today as Teddy has been acting kind of weird today.  He just wants to go out on his lead to muck around.  He can go in and out on his own, but still, he keeps wanting more attention.  Bless him he really doesn't understand what is going on.

We haven't heard anything yet from Simon's school about him going back this month.  I really want him to go back and get some more face to face learning with his teachers, but I do worry as we have kept ourselves in such a bubble for so long it's going to be difficult.  I had sweaty palms yesterday on the way to Felixstowe as I was a little worried about going there.  I am sure that we are all fine and will be, its just the known I suppose.

Well, I think you have heard enough of my ramblings for today, so I going to say goodnight.... stay safe and keep your distance!

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