Tuesday 30 June 2020

Day 100 - My last Daily Blog

Day 100 - Can you quite believe I have written 100 blogs, its bonkers isn't it.  I actually feel bad for making this my last daily blog now after receiving so many lovely messages on Facebook.  I didn't realise that so many people read them and like what they read.  Its good to know that I may have helped in some small way to get some of you through what have been some very tough months.  

The situation we are in hasn't been particularly easy by any stretch.  In the beginning, it scared the shit out of me, to put it bluntly, and then this blog happened and it helped me to put how I was feeling into words and was good to know that I wasn't alone in the way that I felt.

Don't worry you haven't heard the last from me.  I will look at doing a weekly blog at the weekends so that I can still keep in touch with you all.  It will just be a round-up for the week that has passed and you all know any comments are very welcome.

I have found it difficult to find photographs to put on here every night, at least I will have a few to choose from in my weekly blogs.  I will still have to keep track of how many days its been since my blog started as it will be interesting to know how many days this will go on for.

Had a quiet day today, but sometimes that is good to let my brain have time to think of new things.  I find I need that sometimes just to keep coming up with new ideas and let the creative juices flow as it were.

I still haven't really done much with the book I started quite a while ago, but I may just have a bit more time now and I do have some more ideas coming to me all the time, so I really hope I can pull it out of the bag before the end of the year.

Thank you everyone for being so encouraging over the last 100 days and like I said this will not be my last blog, this is just the next step.

I wasn't sure which photo to put on this blog as I have so many but I love this photo so felt it was perfect for this blog.

I hope you have enjoyed some of the recipes I have shared and if there are any you would like please do let me know.  I will try to put some more recipes up on my new blogs if I can find something exciting for you.

Thanks again and please do all stay safe, stay alert and keep your distance!

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