Friday 19 June 2020

Day 89 - Stay Alert

Day 89 and its Friday and we are still staying alert.

As you can see Teddy loves his desk area while I am working.  He usually sits near the wheels of my chair so he can keep an eye on me when I move.  Bless him!

Got to tell you about what a little monkey Teddy was last night.  Took him on his walk last night and he was actually being good - coming back to whistle etc.  Not too far away from home, we disappeared - we thought oh nowhere has he gone as there is an area where we there must be a fox living.  So we went to find how where he had gone and he came back poo all over the front of his body.  We really don't know what sort of poo it was, but we suspect it was another dog and he absolutely stank of it.  Got home and gloved up and put him the bath for a very deep clean.  That boy tests my patience, but he is just so cute.

We did our usual shopping collection this morning.  Left home at 7:45 and collected what we had ordered.  Then repacked it all so we could drop shopping at Chris's Parents.  Got there dropped the shopping to be told that they wanted bread from a certain shop and that they had a list of around another 10 items they forgot.  So we made our way to the local shop to buy more....we hadn't taken any masks with us, so we just had to go for it.

So what have you all got planned for the weekend..... off the Maldives on holiday??  If only!  

We haven't really got any plans, to be honest.  We going to socially distance from some friends on Sunday morning and hopefully visit the seaside, but not a lot else.  Have the usual housework, washing and ironing to do and I think the weather will be nice, so that's good.

I am now going to pour myself another glass of vino - cheers!!

Until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

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