Monday 29 June 2020

Day 99 - Stay Alert

Day 99 - Monday..... and what an odd day it has been.

The weather has been a bit pants again.  It is just so windy and looks like it wants to rain all the time but doesn't.

Had a fairly busy day at work as Mondays always seem to be slow to get going.

We had Jacket Spuds with chicken for our tea, which was a lovely easy tea.  We ate some leftover pulled pork in wraps for our lunch which was just as yummy as last night.  I found the recipe in the new BBC Good Food Magazine.

The above picture is of what ships we saw coming and going from Felixstowe yesterday.  It's really interesting watching them loading and unloading the containers as the cranes work really quickly.

Simon is back at school again tomorrow for his 3-hour session.  He seems to be getting on ok with his work, so I am not too worried at the moment.

I am thinking that after tomorrow's blog I am going to start posting a blog once a week as I shall be honest I find myself getting extremely boring on here and don't have very much to talk about.  It will be my 100th tomorrow, so I thought that might be a good place to finish my daily ones.

This situation has been really odd and certainly an experience we all hope we don't have to go through ever again once things can get back to normal.  I have to say that I don't think it will get back to any sort of normality until this time next year, which seems an awfully long time away.  I am getting a bit fed up with it all now and just want our normal lives back.  It feels like we are always treading on eggshells with everything we do.  

So until last daily blog....stay alert and keep your distance!

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