Sunday 14 June 2020

Day 84 - Stay Alert

Day 84 and what another beautiful Sunday it was.

As you can see we made it to Felixstowe again.  We went a little later this morning.  Its amazing what a difference an hour makes to the number of people that are around.  We went for our usual walk along the promenade and got ourselves a takeaway hot drink, whilst social distancing. It was fairly breezy but still quite warm.

We were then extremely naughty as we went to McDonald's for something to eat.  I expected there to be a massive queue but there wasn't really anybody around and it was really quick as they have reduced their menu substantially.

We have had an extremely lazy day today, as when we got home we just laid on our new seating reading, but even that got too hot!  Had a nice dip in the hot tub this evening after having a yummy BBQ for tea.  We really have got a comfy outside set up now.  I would now just love a pizza oven - but I am not sure we will get one of those anytime soon.

As you can see has been enjoying his Sunday.  He has found it really warm today and had his cool bandana on - he loves it.

Hope you all have a lovely week ahead.  Simon is back at school tomorrow 9-12.  After I have dropped him off and got home it will be time to go and collect him again.  It's around a 25-minute journey each way.

So you all take care ad hope had a good weekend.... stay safe and keep your distance!

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