Thursday 25 June 2020

Day 95 - Stay Alert

Day 95 - Stay Alert

What a very warm day we have had today.  I cannot believe how warm it was.  I was holed up in my office all day with the fan on as it was just so muggy.

Sorry I am late tonight.... its shopping night so I am running a bit late.  We had out tea, courtesy of Matthew.  Chicken in breadcrumbs with some chunky chips, then waited for a little while before going on our walk as it was so warm.  So we went on our walk and saw some other people coming down our usual track, so we decided to carry on further.  I really wish we hadn't.  We ended up going along a field and then down some tram-lines through a bean field.  All I could hear was buzzing as there are lots of flies and bees.  The bees are meant to be there, but after a while the noise go to me so I ran for it.  We eventually got out of there and by the time we got home it was quite late and still had to finish off the shopping, which I have just done.  Breathe!!

I am also using our old lap top as the boys are using mine to watch footie again tonight - its keeping them out of mischief so I am not too worried.

It sounds like we might be getting some thunder storms in the next day or so which will hopefully clear the air a bit.

So until tomorrow... stay alert and still keep your distance!

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