Monday 8 June 2020

Day 78 - Stay Alert

Day 78 - Happy Monday!!

I hadn't got a photo for you tonight, so I picked one from a little while ago when it was lovely and sunny.  This little fella got a really big gold star tonight.  We went on our walk and there were some people behind us, but we thought they had gone a different way, but they hadn't and I had let him off his lead.  He went charging into a field jumping around as he does, as he is too short.  He makes me laugh.  At the last second, he saw the people coming our way and went running towards them.  I blew his whistle and he looked at me, then at the people and he came running back to me.  I was so pleased with him.  We carried on walking and not far from home he saw the people again and went running. I blew the whistle he turned around looked at me and came back.  While I was trying to get his treats out of his bag he decided he would help himself and got his nose in there. Little monkey.  So proud of him, he shocks me sometimes.

So how was your Monday?  I had a good day.  It was a fairly quiet day, but good.  We had Sweet and Sour Chicken, Egg Fried Rice and Duck Spring Rolls for our tea, which was very yummy.  We then went for our walk with the Tedmeister.

I feel a bit tired today, my late night and early morning over the weekend must be catching up with me.

There isn't much more to report today, so I shall leave you now....until tomorrow... stay alert and keep your distance!

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