Friday 26 June 2020

Day 96 - Stay Alert

Day 96 - Happy warm Friday!

So what started a bit wet turned into another muggy and warm day.  I thought it felt warmer than yesterday, but we did have a lovely breeze where we live which was great.

Had our usual shopping this morning.  It was pouring of rain on way so wondered how we were going to get on sorting it all out, but luckily it stopped by the time we were sorting the shopping out in the car park.   We did go to drop the shopping off at Chris parents and then find that his Dads car was ready from the garage so we went and paid the bill for them.  Then we went to the shop to get their bread, but they don't supply what they wanted so just got what they had.  Arrived back to drop off the bread and was told they then wanted some tubs of ice cream, so back off the shop Chris goes. What fun.

I eventually got to work and was inundated with emails which I still haven't got completely up to date with.  A crazy day.  I really don't know where the weeks are going at the moment, life seems to be flying by.

We had Mexican enchiladas for tea tonight which were delicious.

We haven't really got anything planned for the weekend, but might pop to the seaside for an early walk one morning. 

As you can tell not a lot has happened today.  I took the above picture last night on our walk and hadn't seen that one before.

So you all have a wonderful weekend and until tomorrow...... stay alert and keep your distance!

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