Tuesday 23 June 2020

Day 93 - Stay Alert

Day 93 and it has been a beautiful Tuesday.  The weather here has been amazing and it sounds like it is set to get hotter later in the week.

Had my Chiropractors appointment this morning and it went ok.  I had to wear a mask and he was wearing the full PPE, which was reassuring.  Had a few things adjusted and now have to wait my usual couple of days for it to settle down.  I do feel ok today though as I can sometimes suffer straight afterwards.  With any luck, I won't need to go back until my next adjustment in October.

We had a lovely BBQ for our tea tonight and then went on our evening walk.  As you can see the sun was still shining and it was nice.  Teddy was a good boy tonight and came back to the whistle when he was asked to and rolling in anything nasty which is a bonus.

Had another busy day at work.  I am really unsure where the time goes as I don't that I achieve an awful lot in a day at the moment.  There always seems to be something else to do.

We are hoping to go to the seaside tomorrow evening as we didn't make it at the weekend.  Going to take our chairs and sit on the beach to eat takeaway fish and chip, or sausage in my case as I don't eat fish.  Tomorrow's blog might be a bit late, but I will let you know how it goes.

I was listening to last evening update tonight and I am really concerned about the new changes.  I know that people need to keep their jobs and the world has to try and get back to some sort of normality but I do think people should move around with caution still and not that you should only be 1 metre apart. Anyway, that's enough on that subject.

So until tomorrow evening, please do stay alert and keep your distance!

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