Monday 15 June 2020

Day 85 - Stay Alert

Day 85 - what lovely Monday it has been.

So it all started with the alarm going off at 7am this morning.  Really - do we have to get up this early??  Yes, we do as Simon is at school this morning.  That was really hard, although I do have to admit that we have got up early recently to go to the seaside.

Bless him, he got himself up and showered this morning.  He was wearing Matthews old trousers as he would have looked ridiculous.  Although Matthews was a bit too short for him.  The jumper was too big.  He went to put his shoes on and they were too tight, so we tried Matthews old ones and they were too big.  I told him to go in his running shoes, but he decided he could cope for a few hours in shoes that were too small.  I am not buying him any more clothes for school until at least August as he won't stop growing at the moment.

How did the 'new' school go?  It went ok he told me.  We got to the car park to drop off and saw a teacher just sitting on a stool so we waited in our car like lots of other people did until we were told he was allowed to go in.  Then we saw a child dropped out and went straight in - so what rules are we meant to adhere to?  So Simon said I am going - he went to the teacher and got told to sanitise his hands and then go in, so he did.  His class size would have been 10, but 1 person didn't turn up.  He said the time went really quickly and he just got with his work.  He seems to take everything in his stride.  He is not back again until next Wednesday.

I don't feel like I have achieved very much today, but at least Simon is ok having been back at school.

We had Pesto Pasta for our tea tonight.  I got some fresh pesto in our shopping this week.  I chopped and onion sauteed it with some diced chicken, made sure that was cooked through. Boiled some Pasta twirls whilst the chicken was cooking.  Then added the pesto and some double cream to the cooked chicken and onion.  Then drain the cooked pasta and add to the chicken/pesto mixture.  Mix then serve.  It was delicious.

We then went on our evening walk after watching Eggheads.  Found the stone below.

I also noticed a nice photo opportunity for seeing our bungalow, so that the photo above.  I like looking for different photos these days. I have noticed more around me since I have been doing this. 

So until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

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