Sunday 21 June 2020

Day 91 - Stay Alert on Father's Day.

Day 91 - I cannot believe that this is my 91st blog.  I must be boring the hell out of you all with my droning on about my days and the stupid things I do.

Happy Father's Day to all those Daddies out there especially mine, Chris and my Father-in-Law.  I am sure there are many of you that are unfortunately without your Daddies today - don't worry they are watching you and sending hugs.

As you can see we had this for our tea tonight.  This was courtesy of Matthew.  He made it all on his own, I am so proud of him.  Simon helped me clear up so he do his bit and he did cook us a chilli last night.

This morning we went and socially distanced with some friends who have just got a Cockerpoo - he just the cutest little thing and so fluffy and cuddly.  It was so nice to actually see people face to face and have a conversation.  It did feel really weird but in a good way.  We also left Teddy on his own for the first time since lockdown, he doesn't seem any worse for it.  That little boy is just so easy and just seems to get on with it.

We dopped Simon at his friend's house this morning with his bike.  He met up with 5 friends today, which is the first time since lockdown.  He seems to have had a nice time and looking a little red now for the sun.  

We didn't make it to the seaside this weekend, but I am hoping we might make it back there sometime soon as I need my fix.

All in all we had a very nice weekend and it is Monday again tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening and until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

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