Wednesday 3 June 2020

Day 73 - Stay Alert!

Day 73 - and we are still staying alert.

Great news, my glasses are ready!  I can collect them on Friday after collecting our shopping.  I can't wait as these really are looking ridiculous! The Opticians are actually closed, but they are having glasses made in these kinds of circumstances and working from home.  I remember having my eyes tested towards the end of March when this all started and the optician was being careful - good job I got them done then as who knows when they will be opening again.  The receptionist there did say that they opened for emergencies last week, but they had to be in full PPE and it was very uncomfortable she said, so what the hospital/care workers go through on a daily basis must be awful,

As you can see from the picture some little dog thought they were bigger than they actually are!  This was a couple of days ago.  For some reason, he has a thing about bark and most of this did make it all the way home.  He really makes us laugh. On our walk, tonight, which I have to say was colder than the last few evenings, he decided to chase a hare.  He has had one of his gold stars taken away now.... he wouldn't come back to the whistle.  All we could see was him jumping up and down in the field as the crops are so high now, it is really funny, but is other ways it is really annoying.  Bless him, I don't think he will ever change!  He is also in trouble because he decided to empty one of my pots with bulbs in and not sure where the postman left our post this morning, but I found it all over the garden with Teddy running around with a box in his mouth!

Work was really busy again today, which is good as it keeps me out of trouble and spending more money online!  

We have a Sainsbury's shopping collection on Friday which will be different.  They don't stop you ordering more than 80 items, so I am hoping that it will work out better for us, although I do think they may only allow 3 of each item, we will have to get around that.

So we got a letter from Simon's school yesterday.  He is due to go back 15th June, but it will only be from 9am-12 Noon, with only a quarter of the year in each day, so he will probably only be in 1 morning each week.  They are hoping to get each pupil to see a teacher for each of their subjects before they break up in July.  It will be a bit like a concentration camp by the sounds of it.  They will be met by a teacher in the car park and take to where they have to go, they are not to get out of the car until they are told to do so.  There will be 15 pupils in each classroom at a time. A snack will be taken into them mid-morning, which is provided free.  They are to take their own drinks and stationery, which they do anyway. School uniform is to be worn but washed before they wear it again to school.  He will still get school work each week to do at home when not in the actual school.  I read somewhere tonight that they are thinking of extending the term by a week, but to be honest it's not really going to make much difference as we aren't exactly going anywhere.  This is only for years 10 and 12 as they are due to do exams next May.  I do wonder how they will get on next year having missed around a quarter of their build-up to their exams.  I don't know if schools all do the curriculum in the same order - any teacher friends do you know?  It just made me wonder if they might miss certain parts of it out in the exams as they may not have time to study it all?

So I have gabbled on enough tonight, so until tomorrow.... stay safe and keep your distance!

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