Thursday 18 June 2020

Day 88 - Stay Alert

Day 88 - We are still Staying Alert.

Sorry about yesterdays post, it was done on my phone and I have to say that unless I have to do that I will not be repeating it. It took me ages!

Any I hope you are all ok.

This morning was extremely wet, but the sun has certainly come out this evening, it's beautiful.  I have had a very busy day at work and really enjoyed it.  

Matthew has been out bike riding with his mates all day today and had a great time.  It is so nice for him to get out and about as he has been in so long with nothing to do.  He seems a much happier charry since he got home.  Although he did have bike problems before he left home this morning and Mr Fix It had to get his spanners out.

Simon has been school working from home all day again.  He seems to be getting on ok and seems quite happy.

Chris has been servicing our John Deere mower as it has started playing up the last few days.

Teddy doesn't seem himself today.  He is probably getting fed up with us being in his house all day.  |I hope he cheers up a bit when we take him on his evening walk.

I am in the middle of cooking a Risotto for our tea.  I love making this as I tend to chuck in what's left in the fridge.  Its shopping day again tomorrow, so I am using bits and pieces up tonight.

Some other exciting news - some engineers turned up outside here today.  They are putting broadband fibre cables in for us to get faster broadband.  Fingers crossed that Openreach turn up soon to put them to all our properties.  It's awful up here where we live.

So anyway, our dinner is nearly ready.

Until tomorrow...keep your distance!

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