Saturday 27 June 2020

Day 97 - Stay Alert

Day 97 and we are still staying alert.

What a weird Saturday it has been.  We didn't bother getting up too early as we didn't really have anything planned.

It has tried to rain on and off all day which has played havoc with my washing.  I thought it was going to blow off the line the way the wind was blowing today.

Chris cut the hedges today and I helped him clear up all the trimmings.  I made another Pineapple Cheesecake along with some breakfast muffins.

We really haven't done very much today as you can tell.  Had curry for tea, which was delicious and we are hoping to go for a walk soon after the footie has finished.  Hopefully, we won't get blown away.

We are thinking of getting up early tomorrow morning to pop to the seaside and not meet so many people - fingers crossed.

The image here is from a couple of nights ago but thought I would share it with you.

You all enjoy the rest of your Saturday evening and until tomorrow.... stay alert and keep your distance!

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