Saturday 13 June 2020

Day 83 - Stay Alert

Day 83 and what a beautiful Saturday it has been!

I got up really late this morning - although I was awake at 8am, I read the rest of my book until around 9:30!  I just had to finish it - it had to be done.

I did lots of washing and changed all the beds and had a general tidy up.  We got our new cover for our outdoor seating area this week, so we now have the seats on there and covered up for the night.  Chris did lots of outdoor jobs cleaning up the garden, so it looks loved again.

As you can see I had to celebrate #WorldGinDay today, I was really good and didn't start until after 4pm.  

We had our usual curry tonight and it was delicious and then went on our usual evening walk.  All of us went again tonight and it was really lovely.  As you can see from the photo below the sun was still shining and it was so warm.

Been a great Saturday - it is amazing how the weather can make you feel so happy and much lighter.

After our walk Teddy wanted a big drink - he just had to get in there.  Please note the water changed today.  He never goes in there he usually just drinks from it - must think he has a large water bowl.

We think we are going to attempt Felixstowe again tomorrow, but may make it a little later as the boys are really craving a MacDonalds.

So until tomorrow... stay safe and keep your distance!

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