Sunday 7 June 2020

Day 77 - Stay Alert

Day 77 and it's a grotty Sunday!

Not a lot to report today it has been a very quiet day.

Got up fairly late as we were up late watching James Bond and then I decided to read some more of my book.  I have finished clearing out the kitchen cupboards and I have moved some things around to make our lives a little easier - I hope!

We just had cheese on toast for lunch as I had the kitchen in a pickle and then made roast chicken with all the trimming for tea.  It was absolutely delicious if I do say so my self.  

I have listened to an audiobook most of the day while I was clearing out the cupboards and then been reading a different book.  I am a nightmare when I do this as I get myself a little confused about which book my head is in!  I am sure I can cope though.

It has been a really cold day again.  I got all the washing done but it hanging on the airers rather than the line today.  At least we have now had some rain for the crops and gardens.  Not sure what the week ahead will bring.  We were thinking of doing some more walks today but the weather was very uncertain so decided against it.

Like I said not a lot has happened so I am really sorry its another boring blog.  But we are all ok and looking forward to the week ahead.

So until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

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