Tuesday 16 June 2020

Day 86 - Still Stay Alert

Day 86, and we are still staying alert on this Tuesday.

Been a bit of an odd day, to be honest.  I haven't felt 100% and my back is still playing me up a bit, but I am hoping it will get better by itself.

So as you can tell not a lot has happened since I last blogged, which makes reading this a bit boring for you guys.

I did notice on Facebook this morning that Wicksteed Park in Kettering has gone into Administration.  I was really saddened by this as it holds a lot of memories for me.  As many of you know I actually come from Bedfordshire and not born in Suffolk, so Kettering was not actually that far from where we lived.  My parents used to take us to Wicksteed Park on occasions, but we would always be taken there in the holidays by Nanny Sylvie and Grandad Eric.  One of the most exciting parts of it was the picnic that Nan made.  Her cakes were always amazing and we always knew that she would have made something special for us.  The other thing was obviously the water bumper boats where we always got soaked.

Talking about that has actually reminded me again of when we went to France with Nan and Grandad when I was pregnant with Matthew.  Not sure if you remember the story about Nan and the Sausage well this was the same holiday.  So there was Me, Chris, Neil, Mum, Dad, Nan and Grandad on our travels to France on the Fast Catamaran to France.  We got the ferry at some stupid time in the morning and Nan packed the breakfast rolls.  So we got asked what we wanted - Egg, Sausage or Salmon Rolls.  Chris ended up being asked last and the only roll left was a Salmon - he didn't have the heart to say no as he didn't want to offend Nan, so he ended up with this roll for his breakfast.  Put it this way - he didn't feel too well for the rest of the journey.  It was the talk in our car for the rest of our journey as we had Neil with us.  It is something that gets talked about quite often here.  It is funny now, but Chris didn't find it very funny at the time.

On that same holiday, Nan had us in fits of laughter.  Now I know she would hate me for telling you this story, but I hope she is looking down and laughs with us about it now.  She always had a thing about needing the toilet all the time; I think I take after her and it was usually at the most ridiculous times.  We were stopped in a lay by to eat some more of her delicious picnic on our way to our accommodation and she decided she needed the loo.  There were no toilets in this particular lay by, so she decided to bop down near a motor home.  We didn't realise that she had done that, until we saw a French man banging on the windows of his motorhome shouting and then we realised that he was shouting at Nan for going to the toilet near his wheels.  She quickly got herself up and sorted and jumped back in the car and we all drove off laughing our heads off. We couldn't believe what she had done, but when you need to go you need to go.   🤣

Oh and Teddy got another gold star tonight - he came back to us twice tonight and once was when he was on the trail of something in a high field of barley.  We could only see barley moving.

So until tomorrow.... stay safe and keep your distance!

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