Friday 12 June 2020

Day 82 - Stay Alert

Day 82 - and it is Friiiidddaaaayyyy!!

Just got back from our family evening walk which was rather eventful.  As you can see we saw a new stone.  There was also another one that I didn't take a picture of.  They look amazing.

So we went out as usual and Teddy was off his lead.  The next we know he is rolling in something.  We stopped him and then you should have seen the state of him.  He had rolled in very wet fox poo.  So we had the pleasure of walking the rest of the way with him.  He then went ahead of us around a corner and I heard voices.  So I whistled and  Teddy looked at us and then at them and ran back to us, thank goodness.  We then saw what he ran from.  2 horses with people walking next to them.  It was Jimmy and Dexter with our neighbours, who Teddy can see behind a fence every day.  I think he got a little scared.

In the process of getting him back, Simon grabbed his collar that was covered in the fox poo and decided he would rub it in my face.  It was disgusting.  I cannot describe to you how awful that was until I got home.  We also had to clean Teddy up - what fun that was.

We did our usual shopping collection this morning, only a couple of issues.  Why do they decide they need to put a big jar of coffee on top of some rolls and a big bag of potatoes on top of cherry tomatoes.  I do wonder where peoples brains are sometimes.  Anyway, that is done for another week.  We then had to collect my medications from the doctors and take some parcels to the post office.

I then went to work... and had a busy time working on some new stuff, which was good fun.  

So all in all a good eventful day.  Now looking forward to the weekend.  It was really humid on our walk tonight, so I think we are in for a warm but unsettled weekend ahead.

You all take care.... stay alert and keep your distance!

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