Monday 22 June 2020

Day 92 - Stay Alert

Day 92 - Monday has been and certainly going to be gone soon.

Just thought I would share with you what a terror our lovely, sweet, cute, furry little boy is!  This has happened at least twice to this poor pot.

Got up with a bit of a fuzzy head today and no it doesn't have anything to with too much wine, I think it was more to do with the fact it was a Monday!  I really don't know why I feel like this on Mondays as I never used to.  I have thought about it and I think it is because we are not doing very much at the weekend, so it takes my brain a little while to catch up and want to start thinking again.

I got a call from my Chiropractor today to confirm they are now open 3 mornings a week from this week.  They have CovidSecure measures in place, which is reassuring and I am to wear a mask.  I have an appointment for the morning, which I am really grateful for.  My back was feeling a little better but my neck is now taking the brunt of it, so its best that I do get looked at sooner rather than later.  

We have got Tarragon and Lemon Chicken for tea with new potatoes and salad.  My mouth is watering waiting for it to cook.  Its the last Cook Food meal we have in the freezer so we are going to have to order some more.  These are our 'takeaways' and are just amazing.  They are so full of some delicious ingredients, they are probably better for us than many takeaways.  All the packaging is also recyclable, what more could you want.

I am going to love yer and leave yer and get the rest of our dinner ready.  Have a lovely evening.  So until tomorrow....stay alert and keep your distance!

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