Saturday 20 June 2020

Day 90 - Stay Alert

Day 90 - Stay Alert on Saturday.

So how has your weekend started?

We got up fairly leisurely this morning and did the cleaning and I started the washing that has continued throughout the day.  I have a lovely basket or so ironing to do now!

I spent the afternoon baking.  So we have a lemon no-bake cheesecake.  Oat & Raisin Cookies.  Spiced Banana Breakfast Muffin.  I really enjoyed doing this as I hadn't really baked for a while as Matthew has been doing it.

As you can see from the cookie jar I had a little extra help today.

We haven't really done a lot as you can see, but it has been a nice relaxing day despite having to do the cleaning.  Not looking forward to the ironing pile tomorrow.

We are now going to head into the hot tub for a relax and another glass of vino, so I will bid you goodnight.

So until tomorrow....stay alert and keep your distance!

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