Friday 5 June 2020

Day 75 - Stay Alert

Day 75 and its Friday!!! Happy Friday everyone.

As you can see Matthew has been baking again today.  He some more Millionaires Shortbread - really looking forward to trying this, although I was a little naughty earlier today and got us some Belgian Buns.

I also managed to collect my new glasses this morning, so I now look as though I belong somewhere.  They did look awful, but at least I could still use them.

This morning was interesting, to say the least.  We went to collect our shopping from Sainsbury's.  I noticed some things I was sure I hadn't ordered.  Firstly 2 bags of carrots - it appears they substituted a swede with a bag of carrots and our Nespresso coffee pods for Gusto pods, which obviously won't fit in our machine.  We found that rather odd, but just got on with it as you do. 

We then had to go and collect my glasses from a residential address as our opticians are not actually open. She said she would leave them out for me.  They were not there, I knocked 3 times and tried to call but no answer, so we decided we would drop Chris's parents shopping off and go back.  Whilst on the way there they called and asked us to collect their medications from the doctors.  We got them, went to drop the shopping off and it was now pouring of rain.  Then found that they hadn't added all the medication to the bag, so we had to go back and collect the missing one.  That was then all sorted and in the meantime, I had got hold of the opticians and they had forgotten to leave my glasses out, but would leave them out now.  So we went back, got there and they were waiting for me in the rain.  They are fine though.  It was a very frustrating morning, but all sorted.

Had a fairly busy day again when I got back to work.  Made our favourite curry again tonight for tea and I have to say it was delicious and now sitting with a glass or 2 of wine.  I am also going to have another trim of my hair in the next couple of days as my fringe is annoying me.

We think we may get up early in the morning to go to Felixstowe. I don't think the weather is going to be very nice, but that's probably a good thing as there won't be many people around.

You all have a lovely evening and until tomorrow.... stay alert and keep your distance!

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