Tuesday 2 June 2020

Day 72 - Stay Alert!

Day 72 is here and nearly gone.  We still need to stay alert and beware that there could be another peak around the corner.

I am trying not to put a Debbie Dampner on it, but we all still need to be aware that the virus is still out there and the unfortunate death total is still rising.  It has surprised us just how much it is raising each day.  Please all still stay safe and well.

As you can see we have had to get Teddy a bigger water bowl! This is Teddy's Lay Z Spa but he doesn't seem to want to laze around in it.  We thought we would like this to jump in and out of, but he seems to hate it.  But he does love his cool bandana and we got a delivery of a new smart one for him.  I think we will keep it for when he goes out on play dates!! :-)

Had a busy day again today and wasn't the weather glorious, well it was here.  I sat outside for a little while this afternoon and had to come back in as it was too hot and my laptop didn't like it.

We have been for our usual walk this evening and it was lovely and Teddy got another gold star.  He came back when whistled again - fingers crossed he continues to behave himself.  He is now fast asleep on his sofa.  

We did have a lovely laze in the spa last night after our family walk, it was just lovely.  The inflatable water-filled seat is still a disaster even though we filled it higher with water - to be continued.

I have also managed to paint my toenails again - lovely bright pink.  It takes me ages but at least they look nice and makes me feel better.

So until tomorrow....please stay safe and keep your distance!

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