Tuesday 7 July 2020

Day 101 to 107. First Weekly Blog.

Well, a week has flown by and I have to be honest I really missed writing my daily blog.  I felt like there was something missing, although it has given me more time to read, which I am not sure is a good thing as I can't put my book down sometimes.

So last Tuesday was my last daily blog and here we are a week later for a catch-up.  How are you all? Have you had a good week?

There have been quite a few changes to the 'stay alert' lately, of which I feel went ahead a little too early if the images from Soho are anything to go by.  I also understand there are a few pubs that have had to close because people who attended them over the past couple of days have tested positive for Covid-19, but it doesn't stop there, as restaurants are having to be closed as someone that also works at there attended one of those pubs, so it has a very big impact not only on the person that tested positive but the wider community that attended the same place.  I do feel that everyone has to be sensible about what they do and by the looks of it the majority of people are, but it's the few that are putting the lives and businesses of the sensible ones in danger.  I shall now get off my high horse!

The weather over the past week really hasn't been very kind to us. The wind has been ridiculous where we are on the top of a hill.  We had to pin loads of things down and my poor washing looked like it was going to visit the neighbours.  I didn't want to dry it inside as it never dries the same - I know I am weird.   Also, I missed the tissue in a pocket - so at least the wind got rid of all the white bits - I thought I checked all the pockets!

We have been doing our usual walk every evening with our little tinker Teddy.  We didn't manage to visit the seaside this weekend mainly due to what we were doing, and we just didn't want to get up early both weekend mornings.

Saturday we went and collected the shopping as I couldn't get our usual Friday morning slot. Please note all the family got up early, even Teddy.  Simon was not impressed at all and slept in the back of the car - Teenagers!  We then went to Starbucks and got ourselves some takeaway breakfast.  As this was the first weekend we could go in other peoples houses we popped into Chris Parents - they sat at one end and we sat at the other.  We already had our own drinks.  It was nice to have a proper conversation with them.  We have sat outside their house talking but it's difficult to hear them properly.  I think they were pleased.

On Saturday evening my Dad came over and had a steak tea with us.  We were careful and we also went for a nice little walk together and it looked like it was going to rain yet again!  It was a lovely evening and felt so good to be back so some sort of normality.

Matthew has been busy again cooking. He made a Banoffee Pie and some fruit scones.  Simon made an Apple & Blackberry crumble with custard.  The boys have been great helping to keep us all fed, mainly naughty things.

Simon has been at school again.  He went in one day last week and has two this week.  He has a week of no school visits next week and then only has two days the following.  That will be it until September when they are saying it should get back to normal or the 'new normal', who knows.

Matthew started football training last night.  They are in groups of 5 children per coach and just did basic fitness, a little bit of dribbling and shooting.  I am still not convinced that they need to start this early; it feels a bit of unnecessary exposure to more people, although it is nice that he is seeing other children his age, they still have to socially distance themselves. 

Simon was due to start back his football training this week, but we got a message last night telling us that the football club is not opening up the youth age groups as yet and they are thinking that the season won't start back at its normal time in September either, so basically no need to rush.  I am quite happy with that.

I noticed that Teddy found it strange that Chris and Matthew were both out last night for a little while.  He is so used to us all being here together in the evenings.  It was odd for me too to be honest as I had to get their tea prepared for 8:45 instead of the normal time.  It seems so long ago that our evenings were flying here and there with the boys and all going in various directions.  I feel like we have our comfy slippers on in the evening now and don't want to get out of that, it will come as a bit of a shock when things to change.

So last Tuesday, the day I last blogged was 15 years since we lost my Mum and yesterday 15 years ago was her funeral.  I even found her Order of Service today - I keep everything. I find it hard to go back and remember as it was such a difficult time in our lives and one you try to forget for emotional reasons, but in no way do I forget the crazy lady that was my Mum.  When I say crazy I don't mean mad in the head, I'm sure if you knew her, you would understand what I am saying. I just mean she was full of life and even up to the last time I saw her wandering around the hospital she was making me laugh and more or less telling me there wasn't really anything wrong and that I was to go on my family holiday to the Lake District.  I know why she told me to do that, as she didn't want us to miss it, but I wish she hadn't.  We ended up coming home at midnight during the week as she took a turn for the worse and she wasn't really with it when I next saw her.  I would rather have spent some time with her than going on my holiday and that is a very big regret I have, but I did what she wanted me to do, that's the only way that I can look at it now... blooming woman!  Miss her loads, and have some great memories but very few photographs of her.  She was always behind the camera not the one in the actual shot!

The family are pleased that football is back on the TV - I am not sure if I am happy about it or not.  On one hand, its good to stop them from moaning and out of mischief, but on the other, the TV is always full of football at the moment and I stupidly encourage it by letting them use my laptop.  Oh, to have a family of boys where I am the only female.  They do look after me though and look down at me,  as I am the smallest apart from Teddy and Pippa.

My hairdresser is now back at work and asked if I wanted an appointment.  I have decided to keep cutting my hair myself for a little longer as I just don't feel comfortable going there at the moment.  Its nothing against my hairdresser at all, it's just the way I feel.  I also need to have it coloured and what needs doing could take around 3 hours, which is a long time to be in the company of a few people.  It is not urgent, so its best to just leave it for now.

As I mentioned I have been reading a lot and something struck a chord with me in one of the books.  What is happening at the moment with this virus and how we are living makes you realise that we are living but not 'living' if you know what I mean.  We are all just going through the motions of getting up, working, eating and then going to bed for it all to start again the next day.  With the obvious difference at the weekends.  But are we actually enjoying ourselves?  Are we doing what we want to be doing?  Are we meeting up with friends and family?  Have we booked a holiday away for a break?  I would say that the answer to most of them is 'NO'!  But at present, there is no way of changing this due to the restrictions and danger of catching Covid.  I don't know and neither does anyone else know how catching this virus would affect them, so there is no point in putting yourself at risk of getting it. Fingers crossed it doesn't carry on like this until this time next year.  I just want to get back to normal.

As you can see not an awful lot has happened in the Reeve Household since last Tuesday, but as usual I have managed to ramble on about something.

You all take care and have a lovely week..... so until next week.... keep your distance and stay safe.

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