Tuesday 28 July 2020

Day 122 - 128

Day 122 - 128.  Can you believe this 'new' way of living has been going on this long, its crazy?

I am mighty pleased that we don't book holidays in the summer especially abroad at the moment.  I do feel for people that are stuck in the middle of this, but we have all been warned that if anything happens there could be lockdowns, even holidaying in the UK could be affected if local lockdowns are put in place.  We all have to be aware of this before we start parting with our hard-earned cash and not moan when it happens.  Anyway, off my soapbox now!

Not has a particularly exciting week, but let's be honest about it, who has?    The weather hasn't been too great again has it.  Looks like we might get some nice weather over the next few days and I can't wait as our hot tub is calling!

Football training has started in a big way now..... Matthew is training on a Monday and Wednesday evening and Simon should be training on a Tuesday evening.  The reason I say Simon should be is that he is having problems with his knees again.  We went to see a specialist in Biomechanics last October.  Basically, Simon has odd feet!  He also has Osgood-Schlatter Disease (Knee Pain) which is a growing pain.  He had it really bad towards the end of last year and since doing lots of exercises and having special insoles in his shoes it got better and now it has come back with a vengeance!  He has grown an awful lot in the last few months. He has done one, one-hour football training session and had to bow out of two other sessions as he is unable to cope with the pain.  It was difficult to walk without pain for a few days after, but it seems to have calmed down and he is still doing his exercises.  We have purchased some special knee straps, that he still needs to try out.

We have also received signing on forms for the boy's football teams and they hope to start playing competitive games in October, subject to everything being ok.

Simon has now finished school for the Summer.  He is still not sure if he has any work to do over the holidays.  In some ways, I want him to have a bit of a break, but in another, I don't want him to have got behind.  Matthew has finally received a letter from school about Sixth Form.  He will go back a day before Simon and an induction type of day, which sounds interesting. He has also been given some information he can start looking at online before they go back.  We have had to start buying him some clothes as he won't wear a uniform when he goes back and he doesn't have much that fits him.  He is now around 5ft 10, the same height as Chris!  It has been funny as some of the jeans I ordered for him actually fit Chris - my boys are growing up.

Dad and Lu came over for a curry on Friday night, which was really nice, followed by a walk with the Tedmeister!

We went out on Sunday evening, for dinner at some friends.  It was just so nice for a change of scenery and to actually sit and talk to people face to face.  We had a delicious meal with Lemon Meringue Pie and a Pineapple Cheesecake we took.  Their little puppy kept us all busy as he is just so cute.

As you can see above we found another deer on our walk, this one was last Friday when we were out with Dad.

You all take care and have another lovely week.

Stay safe, keep your distance and wear your mask.

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