Tuesday 14 July 2020

Day 108 to 114

I can't believe another week has gone by and the numbers are rising as you can see.

Got a few photos for you this week.

We did our usual shopping run on Friday and treated ourselves to a Starbucks Drive through, which was lovely and a very well earned treat.  It just feels like there is an awful lot of work, sitting around and not a lot of playing at the moment.

Matthew got his baking skills out again last week.  He made a Lemon Cake, which had lemon curd in it and although it flopped in the middle due to a large amount of curd he put in there it was absolutely delicious and even better with custard.  He also made something I have never seen before. Jammie Dodger Blondie.  We are still getting through this and we don't have to tell you how much we are enjoying it, it takes as good as it looks and probably isn't great for our waistlines, but what is these days.

We also took Teddy for a good walk on Saturday afternoon.  He was so naughty, he really was.  We hadn't got very far before he went into a field of Linseed.  He saw a couple of partridges and got them up, once they had gone he went on the hunt for more, of which he found.  I ended up walking through the field with him to keep him moving along and it wasn't particularly dry yet. When we eventually got him, he went back on the lead and hadn't been off it until tonight - he was in that much trouble!

As you can see we made it to the seaside on Sunday.  The weather was amazing even at 8:45am.  We have been going to Felixstowe for a long time and I don't think we have ever seen the sea so calm.  Teddy had his usual paddle in the sea and loved it.  There were a few people setting themselves up on the beach even that early.  We found our usual place to have breakfast on the Pier but it wasn't opening until 11am, so we decided we didn't want to wait that long, even though their Eggs Benedict and Scrambled Egg on Toast is lovely.  I know they are fairly basic breakfast items, but they are done extremely well.  Even Dad likes going there and having breakfast.  We made our way home and popped into Costa Drive-through for our breakfast instead.

As Sunday was so lovely, I decided to have a very long dip in the hot tub, mainly without the bubbles on.  It was just so nice to sit in there in the sun reading my book.  

When we out this morning to take my car for its MOT we noticed a new stone, that had been left outside our bungalow fence - this was a lovely surprise, so thank you whoever left it.  My car passed thank goodness, although it needed two new tyres.  

Matthew had his football training partly in the rain last night, but I understand it went well.  I stayed behind to sort out dinner - a yummy cottage pie.  Tonight we had baked cabanara which was even better and I went back for seconds.  

Had a fairly busy week at work and this afternoon went completely crazy, which was nice as at least we know there are still people out there!

I hope you all have had another good week and look forward to catching up again next week.

You all take care, remember your face mask when you go out and stay safe whilst keeping your distance.

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