Tuesday 21 July 2020

Day 115 to 121

Another week has flown by and it's amazing to think its the 21st July already.  

As usual, not a lot has really happened.

Matthew has been doing his usual baking - He had a Sticky Toffee Pudding with Caramel Sauce and a Chocolate Cherry Tart, with chocolate pastry.  They were all absolutely delicious.

Simon made us a chicken korma on Friday night with rice and naan bread.

I have made us some cheese and onion chutney scones along with a vanilla cake traybake.  As we didn't have any sprinkles I put pink glitter on it.  As I am the only girl in the house, apart from Pippa I decided that I would like it to look pink.

I did something really stupid on Friday, as you know I am sometimes one sandwich short of a picnic. I got an email from Ocado to tell me we could now order from them for delivery - you had to register and wait for a slot to become available as they were just too busy to take on new customers.  So I went on there and found I could get delivery on Friday morning, but forgot to cancel the slot I had already got from Sainsbury's for collection on the said morning.  I got an email Friday morning from Sainsbury's to tell me all I had ordered was available - now that wasn't a shock as I had ordered, 4 very large punnets of cherries, one £40 bottle of Champagne and a very nice £10 bottle of white wine.  As not to get blacklisted with them we went over there and explained what I had done and asked if they could refund the bottle of Champagne but we would take the rest of the items.  So we now had lots of cherries.  We gave one to my dad and one to Chris Parents and kept 2 for ourselves.  This is why Matthew made the chocolate cherry tart with a cherry sauce and most of them have gone now as they are extremely moreish.  I cannot believe I did that, but like I said I am not really there most of the time!

Saturday evening we had some lovely pulled pork in brioche buns followed by Eton Mess - this was a really yummy tea I have to say.

We didn't make it to the seaside this weekend as we just wanted to laze around, which we did plenty of.  I did manage to tackle the massive ironing pile I had been putting off.

I have managed to book Ocado for the next 3 weeks for delivery, which has made me smile as I just never know if we will get the slots from one week to the next.  My dad has said he will try and start to do his shopping this week, but I have said to let me know if we wants us to continue as I don't mind doing it.

We got a delivery of some top toil the end of last week as Chris and the boys cleared an old concrete slab from the garden a while ago and it was looking a right mess.  So today Chris and Matthew filled the gap in and set it with grass seed.  The sprinkler then went on for a while to make sure it was wet.  Guess who escapes into the garden - yes you have guessed it - Teddy!!!!  We tried and tried to get him back in but he wasn't having any of it tonight.  The next things we see are massive holes in the new soil and grass seed and Teddy running around with mud all over his nose and front paws.  Matthew and I managed to chase him into a corner, after nearly doing the splits and breaking out necks.  I got him straight in the bath - he was filthy.  He then escaped again just after the bath as somebody left another door open and he wouldn't come back in again, but little did he know that Chris has been outside and put some old Chicken fencing around the patch so he couldn't dig it.  He has wandered around the fence trying to get in there - I am not sure how he would feel if we could electrify it!!  He has been a really naughty little boy today, I'm not sure what has gotten into him.

So how is everyone feeling about this Pandemic that feels like it is never going to go away?  Although I don't tend to go anywhere I do feel much happier that people are going to have to wear masks in shops now from Friday.

I have been struggling with lots of headaches over the past few weeks which have been driving me mad.  I spoke to the doctor and she thinks they are tension headaches as all the other symptoms I have pointed to that.  Basically, take paracetamol or the like and de-stress.  It's

just not that simple though is it.  I have tried doing meditation and unfortunately, my brain just won't turn off, must be all the intellectual brain cells I have in there!  I could really do with getting away - a change of scenery.  But that isn't going to happen anytime soon, with harvest probably going to start next week and the boys to be taken to football training, everyone will need feeding and Teddy looking after.  

We are thinking of going away in October half term at least.  We would like to venture back up to Yorkshire again - so I will probably start looking there.  I did look at self-catering accommodation towards the end of August in Norfolk and I cannot believe how expensive it is for something decent.  I appreciate that people have to make some money this year, but think that is taking it to the extreme.

Simon met up with some of his mates on Saturday which was really nice for him.  I cannot believe that they biked around 12 miles from Eye to Harleston, I was really proud of them.  We did offer to give them individual lifts but they wanted to bike, so they did.

Simon has now finished school as of today for the Summer.  We are still yet to find out if he has any work to do over the summer holidays.  Matthew picks his exam results up on 20th August between 9:30-10am.  We had to book a slot to go in and collect them.  

We have seen some different painted stones around but have managed to photograph any this week.  I have been on quite a few walks though, even in the rain.  I just wish the weather would decide what it is going to do.  Its playing havoc with my wardrobe!  One day its jumpers and socks the next summer dresses.

I hope you have another lovely week and please do all stay safe and keep your distance.

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