Tuesday 4 August 2020

Day 129 to 135 Another Weekly Blog

So August is here already, but we have some news from the end of July and quite a few photographs to share this week.

So as you can see the harvest started on Wednesday.  Chris started on Wednesday with his little band of helpers (Matthew, Simon and obviously Teddy).  It has been a little weird as I haven't really been alone in the house since March, but they all went off and left me.  It is something I have got used to over the years, but the boys helping is only in recent years.  They do look quite sweet (if 15 & 16 year old boys can look sweet) driving around in their tractors.  All the winter wheat and some of Ixworth has now been done, but plenty more over here where we live to harvest.  The crops don't seem to be ripening the normal way this year, as there are still a few green ears in the barley, but with this weeks expected sun, lets hope they will ripen so they can get a good run at it.  

As mentioned Teddy has been on the combine - he likes to look out for wildlife that runs from the crops, although I believe he has taken to sleeping on the seat this year, rather than the floor. This dog is treated just too well.  He has had a bit of a traumatic week.  He got stung by a wasp on Sunday evening on our walk.  He started scratching his face and jumping around a bit until we realised what was happening, it seemed to get stuck in his fur, but Chris eventually managed to flick it off.  He has been a little quiet since, but I am sure he will be back to his normal cheeky monkey self.  As you can see from the photograph here, he loves watching the TV.  He was watching the Meerkats that has been on most evenings the past week. He gets very vocal too -  I will have to post a video for you.  He never ceases to make us chuckle at least once a day - wouldn't be without him.

So on Thursday the boys and the Tedmeister were busy harvesting and got home late.  Simon decided he needs a hair cut there and then!  So I cooked their tea, cut his hair and poor Teddy still hadn't been for his long walk.  Most days I leave his walk until later in the evening especially when it's warm. So we ended up leaving home around 9pm for our walk, Chris says you may have 20 mins before it gets dark - nothing like worrying me!  So we start our 'fast' walk.  Now if you know Teddy he has to stop, sniff and wee at just about every bush, which isn't helpful when we don't have time.  So what did we end up doing? - jogging!  Luckily I had running shoes on but my dress really didn't cut it! I did manage to snap a nice picture that I posted on FB for you all to see - please note this was only taken at a sniff and wee stop! 😜

So Friday was blooming hot...can you believe it!  Why does our weather do such weird things at the moment?  One day it's pleasant but not particularly warm and the next it's boiling and you can't sleep.  So or shopping delivery arrived with Ocado, who we have been trialling.  Let's just say that customer services got a call and we got some food credited to us.  What idiot tries to carry 4 bags in each hand and then shoves them down!  Gord some people really need their head examined.  He was late and just before he left apologised for being late - well that should be the very first thing you should do, out of common courtesy. Let's say I am still trialling them and if anything else happens then I won't be trialling them again!  They are not cheap, so I expect an awful lot more from them.  This weeks rant is now over!  So after this, I sorted out the in-laws shopping and took over to them.  My Dad has started to do his own shopping.  He said Tesco last week was quite empty, maybe it was the time of day or just that people aren't wanting to go into shops at the moment?
Had a lovely relax in the hot tub Friday night after our walk with Teddy.  I stood outside talking to a neighbour in the day for about an hour as we are looking after their cat this week and I cannot believe I got sunburnt, but only on one side which must have been the way I was standing. I know it was hot but I didn't realise how hot.

Oh, some news I forgot to tell you last week.... we have had a wasp nest in our roof.  One morning I woke up and thought it was raining, but it wasn't and didn't understand what it was.  A noise seemed to be coming from the wall behind our bed - very odd!  I mentioned it to Chris who looked at me as if I was crazy, but he did come around in the end.  We looked outside and noticed those pesky things flying in through the tiles.  The pest man came out on Monday and killed the nest.  So no more pesky flying things -  I am sure we will find another nest somewhere soon as its apparently the season for the next building now.

We arranged to meet my Dad in Felixstowe on Saturday morning for a walk.  We got there around 8:45am and it was relatively quiet, which was nice.  Was really warm especially for that coast.  Went for our usual walk and when we got back to where we started Dad said is that all the walking you want to do?  There are a few reasons we are usually only there for a little while.  Firstly is was getting too hot for Teddy, secondly, we didn't think our favourite place was open for breakfast (apparently it now opens at 9:30am), thirdly we don't want to be there when it gets too busy and lastly we wanted to go to McDonald's for our drive-thru breakfast!  So did the Drive-Thru and it was really nice.  Dad stayed in the pretty garden area apparently until 2pm and said it was lovely.  I am so pleased he had a nice time.

As I managed to get all my washing done, beds stripped and washed, I spent most of Sunday morning ironing everything.  I really wanted to get it all tidied up.  I even washed a bit of the Grand-Prix which was so exciting towards the end.  Hopefully, this weekend will be equally as good.

Monday was a very quiet day in more ways than one.  Work has started to die down quite a bit, it usually happens this time of year, but it is still quite scary when that happens.  But I have lots that I can dive into to keep me busy.  I have even started my book again, which is coming along.  I popped out with Chris to run some errands, but I didn't even get out of the car, but it was a nice change of scenery.  Matthew had football training, so they didn't get home until nearly 9pm, so we had a very late tea.  It was a lovely mixed Chicken and Bacon Salad with New Potatoes.  At least it wasn't too heavy for a late-night meal.  Teddy just had a little walk last night and was very naughty most of the way back - he has a habit of biting his lead on the way back from places.  We are already on our 4th lead.

Simon went to Felixstowe on the Train on Monday with his friends.  He sounds like they had a nice time along with Fish & Chips - what a life hey!  I think its good that he is trying to meet up with his friends at least once a week.  It can be a little more difficult at the moment as he has to work, but yesterday worked out perfectly.

Also as you can see we got some Certificates home this last week.  Simon got his for Food & Nutrition and Matthew in Product Design.  It was very kind of the school to send them along with a £5.00 Amazon Voucher.  Really proud of our boys and what young men they are growing into.

So as you can tell it has been a busy week and looking forward another warm week ahead.

You all take care, stay safe and keep your distance!

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