Tuesday 18 August 2020

My Weekly Blog - Day 143 to 149

So here we are and another weekly blog.

Very much like last week, we haven't got a lot to report.

As you can see Matthew has been busy baking again this week.  We have had a lovely Lemon cake Chocolate Eclairs (Simon helped with these) and some sun-dried tomato spiral bread.  He does get a bit frustrated along the way, but he gets there in the end, bless him.  He also made a delicious chilli last night for our tea as I wasn't feeling 100%.

I have started getting my headaches again, not really sure why.  I had them for a few months and then they disappeared, but have come back again.  I don't feel particularly stressed but I am getting a bit more frustrated with the situation again.  I have next week away from work, just to have a rest really, as I haven't had any proper time off since February, so it feels long overdue.  I did try looking for somewhere for us to go and stay but there isn't anywhere fairly local, which is really frustrating.  I don't want to go anywhere further than around 1hr-1 1/2 away as Chris may need to come and go, but there isn't anything at all around.  I just want to walk along the beach a few times a day, not asking for a lot honestly.  We will probably just go out for days and we have a Birthday next Saturday but he will probably be working.

So Thursday is the day we are meant to be going and collecting Matthew's GCSE results - just wondering if that will still be happening.  Not heard anything different as yet, so I assume we just need to turn up as already organised.  Sounds like they have had a bit of a nightmare organising them.  They have had since the end of March to get this organised, but maybe too many 'cooks' getting involved.  As often happens the left-hand doesn't know what the right is doing.  Its a shame this is causing so much stress to a lot of people.

The weather has certainly changed since this time last week.  We had a really big downpour yesterday - 17mm in around 30 minutes.  We have still been going on our walks, even in the rain.  Tonight was really nice and we actually saw other people out.  At the beginning of lockdown, we saw lots of people, but in the past 2-3 months, there have been hardly any.  

Teddy has been up to his usual tricks this past week.  Obviously working is extremely tiring work, so he decided to hide under my desk and have a rest on the treadmill!  That dog is just hilarious.  He hates thunder and barks at, hates birds so chases them, hates helicopters so barks at them, but what is does like is his new food.  He is now on a muesli mix and can't wait for dinner time.

So until next week, please all stay safe and keep your distance.

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