Tuesday 11 August 2020

Day 136 to 142 of my weekly blog

Well, what a very warm week it has been.  Today has been especially warm, with a few spots of rain.

We haven't really been up to much as usual but feels like even less than normal.

On Wednesday Simon had a friendly football match.  It was a warm evening and they got on really well considering he plays in an under 16's team and they played a men's team!  As you know he has been struggling with his knees, but we have purchased some new items that he used and he got on brilliantly although he could hardly walk the next day!

Harvest has carried on steadily over the days with the boys helping Chris every day.  They are getting there so I understand and fingers crossed they finish soon and the weather holds out enough.  

Teddy has been enjoying the 'cool' time in the combine.  We have felt it was best for him to be there rather than at home as its been just too warm, even with his cool mat and cool bandana on.  He is such a lovely little fella.

My cat duty finished on Saturday morning also.  I had been looking after our neighbour's cat whilst they were on holiday in Cornwall.  She was such a good little girl coming to see me every night, she was no bother at all.

The weekend came and went - not really sure what I did.  Boys were all out working, so I got on with some general jobs, like cleaning windows, washing and didn't bother with the ironing as it was just too hot.  I even managed 2 dips in the hot tub in one day!!!  It must be hot as I really haven't felt like having my usual tipple!  

Work has been so, so the past week.  It's just gone so quiet, but it does that this time of year, but we do have some projects on the go that have been keeping me busy and I have been enjoying learning new things.

Teddy thankfully hasn't had another sting from a wasp this week, although he did have an altercation with one earlier this evening, we don't think he got strung this time.

Matthew has a football match tonight, which I was going to go to, but Chris has taken him as he in between crops at the moment.  We also didn't want to have to close all the windows as we need the airflow at the moment - what airflow??  

The picture above was taken one evening from our bedroom window - it looked amazing so had to capture it for you.

I also managed to take a picture of our friendly green woodpecker.  It stayed there for ages and didn't mind me taking its picture.

Some good news - we have booked to go up to Yorkshire in the October half term.  It's the same place we went to last year as we really liked the location, although the house we stayed in was a bit tatty.  I managed to get a privately owned place rather than going through the resort, so fingers crossed it will be much better.

I joined DogFriendly magazine this week and looking forward to being able to find more places that we can take Teddy.  It has accommodation, beaches, parks, cafes etc that are happy for our four-legged friends to go to.  

Matthew has made another lot of chocolate fondants this week.  I got him some proper pots that he needed and they turned out much better, but he put too much mixture in them so they started to go over the top.  He gets so frustrated with himself as they are not perfect the first time - he has to realise practice makes perfect!!!

So as you can tell not a lot has happened this week and hope to have more news for you next week.

You all take care and stay safe - make sure you keep your distance!

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