Thursday 30 April 2020

Day 39 - Lockdown

Day 39 of Lockdown.  Yet another odd days weather.  Still a bit chilly and wet, but we do need some rain.

As you can see we saw another stone on our travels.  They still amuse me!

Another busy day at work - thank goodness its Friday tomorrow!!

So I went to add all the shopping to Tesco for collection tomorrow and found that we can only add 80 items, which isn't enough for 3 families, so Chris has gone out to get our shopping this evening and I have made phone calls for shopping lists and ordered the food.

Me, Matthew and Teddy went out to clap tonight, which was really nice as we saw the neighbours and even heard fireworks going off!  

Have to say a very special 'Happy Birthday' to Captain Tom Moore, who not only celebrated his 100th Birthday today, but was also made a Colonel.  This man is such an inspiration and it just goes to show you can be any age to make a difference to so many.

Tonights recipe is going to be Pork, Apple and Celery Pie

This is a lovely recipe and really easy to make. We often make our own pastry for this as the sheets are barely large enough and also use more sausage meat as my boys are always so hungry and if any is left we put it in the freezer to have another time.

Was good to see Boris back tonight, although he does seem a little pale and breathless.  Hope he full recovers soon.

I don't really have a lot more to report tonight - oh Teddy has just killed his beloved toy 'Mr Skunk', not sure how he is going to cope as he has conversations with him everyday.

So you all take and until tomorrow... keep your distance!!

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Day 38 - Lockdown

Day 38 and middle of the working week.  I am not sure where the week has gone, is seems to have flown by.

Had another busy day and still haven't cleared the decks, but it will wait until tomorrow I'm sure.

I have a 10 questions for a quiz on Saturday to put together on a powerpoint presentation, so I ought to get that started tonight, although I do have another couple of evenings to do it.

I thought I would share with you tonight one of the different painted stones that we see each evening on our walk around.  We don't know who paints and leaves them, but they change places most days and new ones keep appearing.  Thank you who is doing this -  its keeping us amused.

I do worry that most of my posts are about food, but to be honest at the moment, there isn't really a lot more to talk about is there.  Tonight Matthew made our tea.  Bless his heart, he saw a recipe for this Coronation Chicken Pie in the new BBC Good Food Magazine and wanted to make it.  We didn't have the correct pastry so he made some shortcrust.  He is much better at making pastry than I am, so I will leave that job to him in the future.  It was delicious, apart from the raisins.  I cannot stand raisins in savoury food, but I had to allow it due to the rest of the family liking it, so I picked them out. Here is the recipe if you want it - Recipe here!
I hope you enjoyed the recipes that I posted yesterday and they come in useful.

I have another zoom meeting tomorrow, so that means the make-up has to come out and I actually have to brush my hair!  My hair cut went ok by the way.  My fringe looks a little wonky, but you wouldn't even know I trimmed the ends, although my brush goes through it much better.  I feel sorry for hairdressers when they eventually go back to work as there must be so many bad hair days going on now and we aren't even at the end of it.

Congratulations Boris and Carrie - Fabulous news that your little boy has been born today.  Hope all is well and you are home soon.

My little friend the woodpecker was back again today until Teddy came charging around the corner with a (car cleaning) sponge he stole from the shed!  

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Day 37 - Lockdown

Day 37 of a wet lockdown.

Guess who I caught on the bird feeder today? I caught him from my office window and was really chuffed.  I feel it was worth the wait.

Had another busy day, but felt a little more organised, so thats good.

It has been damp and overcast here since we got up this morning, but something I hadn't thought about but a friend said to me today was about the smell outside.  Its weird how the air changes when its rained.  Teddy was a little monkey first thing this morning wanting to sniff absolutely everything - maybe new smells came out to say hello because it has rained - who knows we are talking about Teddy here!  We have just got back from our daily exercise with him in the rain.  He really doesn't care if its pouring of rain.  

Had to order Teddy some more Whimzees, dry food and little treats today as he has used them up in lockdown.  He probably has enough food for a week or two, but I don't want to find we can't get any and he likes his particular brand.  Do any of your dogs watch TV?  Teddy loves watching dogs and any animals on there.  I will have to get a picture for you as he is hilarious - he talks to them and then goes around the back to see where they are.

I feel a little smug with myself this week as my new copy of BBC Good Food magazine has turned up.  I signed up for 6 months a little while before the lockdown and really pleased that I did.  It has some lovely recipes in it.  It will keep us busy for a little while anyway.  I also managed to get a Tesco food collection for this week, so we don't have deal with the idiots walking around the store this week and we can do the carers clap.  When we were in Tesco last week they didn't do it - I think thats awful.  They did it the week before.

So todays recipe is Sticky Ginger Chicken from Fay Ripleys Family Food recipe book.  I couldn't find the recipe online so I have published it here on my blog.  The link above will take you there or you can take a look quite easily in my blog list.  Tracy my sister-in-law made this for us when we went away with them for a weekend a few years ago and we really liked it and thats how I came to buy this recipe book.  Also in the recipe is baked broccoli - I don't cook broccoli any other way these days.  Cooking it this way makes it lovely and crispy, but I don't usually put the coriander on it when making it to go with other dinners, I just put oil and seasoning on it.  I have also added another recipe to the blog - Baked Cheesecake that I have been asked for a few times.  I can't find it electronically so added it here for you.  I will start to add recipes I can't find anywhere else for you, if thats ok.

Matthew made us some Honey Sweetened Breakfast Muffins today, so looking forward to breakfast tomorrow.  Its the one meal I really don't know what to eat.  It usually ends up being nothing or a slice of toast, which gets really boring, so I am pleased he made these - I was going to make them but just haven't had the time.  What do you eat for breakfast as would love some ideas.

So until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Recipe - Baked Cheesecake

Jo Wheatley - A Passion for Baking

Baked Cheesecake

70g unsalted butter, melted
10 digestive biscuits
600g full-fat cream cheese
2 tbsp plain flour
175g caster sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
284ml sour cream
2 tbsp icing sugar sifted

You will need a 20cm springform cake tin, lightly greased.

Preheat the over to 180 degrees c / 350 degrees F / Gas Mark 4
Melt the butter in a small pan or in the microwave.
Crush the biscuits in a food processor and tip into a bowl.  Add the melted butter and mix to thoroughly combine.  Press the buttery crumbs into the base of the springform tin in an even layer.
Bake in the middle shelf of the preheated oven for 5 minutes.  Remove from the oven and cool while you prepare the filling.

Beat the cream cheese until smooth, then add the flour, sugar vanilla extract, eggs, yolk, and half of the sour cream and beat again until smooth, light and fluffy. Carefully pour into the tin and spread until level.

Place on a baking tray and bake on the middle shelf of the preheated oven for 30 minutes until only just set.  Remove from the oven and leave to rest for 5 minutes.

Mix the remaining sour cream with the icing sugar and very carefully spoon over the top of the cheesecake layer.

Return to the oven for a further 10 minutes until just set but still very slightly wobbly in the centre.

Leave the cheesecake to cool in the tin and then chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight until ready to serve.

Topping - if required
De-stalk, hull and slice 5 strawberries per person, place in a bowl and sprinkle with caster sugar. Peel half an orange per person and slice the segments between the membranes allowing to drop into a bowl.  Mix well and serve at room temperature on top of the cheesecake.

My notes

I usually do about 15 biscuits and around 90-100g of butter.
I don't put the fruit on the cheesecake only on individually portions.

Recipe - Sticky Ginger Chicken

Fay Ripleys Family Food Recipe Book

Chinese Takeaway

Sticky Ginger Chicken

All you need is
3 globes stem ginger (from a jar)
2 tbsp runny honey
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 limes
6 Chicken thighs, skinned.  I use 4 chicken breasts

All you do is
1. Drain and finely chop the ginger. Pop into a shallow ovenproof ceramic dish with the honey, soy sauce, garlic, zest of 2 lines and juice of 1 lime.
2. Put the chicken in and toss well. Refrigerate overnight if possible, but not essential.  A few hours will be fine.
3. When ready, pre-heat the oven to 210 degrees c (fan) 230 degrees c, gas mark 8. Spread out the thighs/breasts in one layer and cook for 30-40 minutes, until the juices run clear.

Serve with basmati rice and season on your plate.

Chinese Roast Broccoli

All you need is
300g head of broccoli
1 tsp coriander seeds
2 tbsp olive oil

All you do is
1. Cut the broccoli into florets and lay out on a roasting tray.
2. Crush the coriander seeds and sprinkle over the florets.  Pour plenty of Olive oil over them and bake for 20 minutes at 210 degrees c(fan), 230 degrees c, gas mark 8. They will burn a little, but don't worry, thats the best bit. Serve immediately.

We have the above together with homemade egg fried rice.

Monday 27 April 2020

Day 36 - Lockdown

Day 36 here and its a Monday!

Here is my favourite tree of the moment.  View from our bedroom window - couldn't resist it this morning.  I am always looking for photo's to post on here for you.  That naughty Woodpecker got away again today - I will get it, don't you worry.

Had an extremely busy day today, not sure which way to turn, but that's a really good thing in the current climate.  Its not always going to be the case I'm sure.

Wish me luck as I am going to try and trim the ends of my hair tonight as they are getting a bit knotty and my fringe needs another whiz over too.  I hope I don't have too many zoom meetings ahead - maybe have to wear a scarf if it goes really wrong.  I already look rather grey so maybe a scarf will be a good thing.

We had a roast for tea tonight and it was delicious.  I roasted a Turkey breast, with roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and roast vegetables, with lots of gravy.  Comment from the youngest was, 'Its Not Sunday'!  The other said 'It don't matter what day it is as they are all the same'!  They do make me laugh.  

I am a little late writing this again tonight as took Teddy for his long walk and did our bit of exercise. He decided a deer was up for being chased.  He is such a Wally as I don't know what he would do if it stopped and turned around to look at him.  He is currently sleeping now.  He managed to break another one of my plastic mushrooms from the garden.  He doesn't like us having anything in the garden, he just digs them all up - all his pocket money has now gone for this week.

So recipe is back.  Rather than pick an ingredient I am going to share some recipes each day that we make here.   Sorry if repeat any, but its day 36 and I can't remember all I did yesterday, so may have forgetten I have told you about it already.  The first one has to be Morroccan Meatballs. I have to be honest they do take a little while to make, but it is definitely worth it.  For the sauce I actually use passatta and tinned tomatoes.  We then have it with some couscous, natural yogurt and toasted pitta breads cut into strips.

Hope you have all had a great Monday and please all stay safe and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Sunday 26 April 2020

Day 35 - Lockdown

Day 35 is here and nearly gone.  Where has the time gone.

So here it is - the finished fence.  We also managed to paint parts of the car ports/shed as the weather had started to get to it.  I can't believe the amount of work we have done over the past few weeks.

I am now absolutely shattered now, but looking forward to the week ahead. I haven't managed to bake anything, so I will have to look at baking over the week, to keep us going.  We have two growing lads that like to be on the go.  As you can see briefly in this photo Matthew and Simon were throwing a mini Rugby ball around.  Teddy loves to join in by being piggy in the middle then going to the bird bath for a drink in between throws.

We had a lovely BBQ tonight.  Just some burgers, sausages and halloumi with small baked potatoes.  I think if the weather continues to be nice we may have have more of these.  It was good for the first one of the year.

The weather does look like it may change here for the next few days, with a bit of rain hopefully, as the garden and fields growing the new crops could really do with a good old rain.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.  I am not sure these days, if I should ask people that question as quite a lot of people are obviously going through heartache, job stress or very down from being stuck at home.  Its such a difficult time for so many people.  We will get through it and become stronger the other side.

I will try to get my ingredient/recipes going again next week.  I have felt so busy, I just haven't had the time to think about it.  

So you all take care and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Saturday 25 April 2020

Day 34 - Lockdown

So here we are on Day 34.

I am absolutely shattered.  We have been painting the fence all day (both sides) and we still haven't quite finished.  Here is the before picture and I will post the after picture tomorrow, when we have completed it.  I think we only have a couple more hours work left.  Its been looking a bit rough for a while and I pressure washed it last weekend ready for the painting.

Whilst we were doing the painting I asked the boys to put the washing out  - below is a picture of how it was pegged (Chris got in the shot).  It really made us laugh.  It was just about dry when we got it in.  Me thinks they need a little lesson in this - maybe get them to do more tomorrow. At least they did it which I am really grateful for.  Didn't think it would be a good idea to try and put it out with green paint on my fingers.

So we had a really easy tea tonight as I just didn't have the energy to do a BBQ, which we were planning.  The BBQ will have to wait until tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it.

I think the TV programs are getting worse.  Why have they decided to put on a re-run of Ninga Warrior 2019?  Its crazy - surely there have been programs made before lockdown that they can put on.  Saturday TV has been getting worse for a while but it is definitely hit rock bottom now.  I think I may need to get my book out or do something creative on my laptop.  Oh there are the re-runs of Gavin & Stacey - loved it the first time!

Matthew has made us a Bakewell tart today, but we couldn't get any Cherries anywhere, so its just got  icing on the top.  Looking forward to eating this a little later.

I do worry that we may run out of jobs to do if this goes on for much longer.  Its good to get things done as we are't normally around at the weekends, but the longer it goes on, the more jobs we complete and the less there are to do.  We have managed to get some match pots for our lounge and have decided on the colours we want, so I may have to order some paint to get this job done too.   I know its not a necessity as such, but its good for our mental health, to get things done that need doing and we need to keep active.

Teddy managed to end up with green paint all over this back, so had to have a quick wash down and comb.  I am sure he still has some in his beard.  He kept putting his head through the bars of the fence to see what we were doing.  The boys were playing with a mini rugby ball today and Teddy was in the middle.  He kept running over to the bird bath for a drink in-between.  Funny boy!

So until tomorrow..... keep your distance!

Friday 24 April 2020

Day 33 - Lockdown

Day 33 of Lockdown.

So here we are Friday 24th April 2020 and its now the weekend - lots of weekend fun and sun to enjoy ahead, obviously in lockdown.

As you can see the blossom on our lovely apple tree has started to come out.  I absolutely love this tree when it looks like this.  The nasty wasps like it too soon.

Do you know what I really haven't got a clue what to write about today. I worry I am running out of material as we are not exactly doing loads.
We have been and delivered the shopping to the parents and had to go and collect some goods we had ordered.  I know they are not exactly urgent but we collected some Barn Paint that we needed.  Our outside fence and Car port/sheds were looking a little tattered and we were worried the weather wasn going to get to them, so thought whilst it is good weather we could get them painted.

I have been busy since I got back at work and the youngest little fella (No not 'Ant Boy') has made dinner tonight. He made Mexican wraps, which happen to be his absolute favourite.  They were delicious and although we had to wait until he had finished playing football on the X-Box all is well.

We have plans for the weekend, so I shall let you know what we are thinking.  Obviously go out shopping for loads of house things and clothes and have a coffee at Costa - Oh no we are not allowed :-(. So we are going to start painting the fence and the Car Port/Sheds. Mow some more of the meadow grass. Clean some Farm signs.  Baking some Breakfast Muffins, Matthew wants to make a Bakewell tart and we have some Lemons, so I think a lemon Drizzle will be on the menu.  BBQ either Saturday or Sunday will be lovely as I think the weather is going to be nice.  I hope to be able to maybe get a bit of sun or that fake tan will have to come out again.  

So I am now signing off for the week and until tomorrow...keep your distance!

Thursday 23 April 2020

Day 32 - Lockdown

Day 32 of Lockdown.

As you can see our Cook Food Pie arrived tonight and we had it with mashed potato and vegetables.  It was delicious and looking forward to all the other things we have ordered. I will keep you updated on them.  It may look small, but it was certainly big enough for us 4.

So another busy day at work, which keeps me very occupied.

Had another bad nights sleep last night, so hoping for a better one tonight, surely it can't get any worse.

So when I try to think about what I will write in my blogs I sometimes think it may be a good idea to write about the past and then think 'who will want to read about that', but to be honest there really isn't much going on at the moment, so you are either going to have to stop reading now or just read it.  

I have two brothers - one is 2 1/2 years older than me (50 this year) and the other is 6 1/2 years younger (I reckon he was an accident 😜).  They have both always been into sport, mainly football. Me being the middle child and a girl really didn't help me.  They both played football at the weekends and I hated it.  I often went to stay with my Nanny Joyce (My Mums Mum), we used to watch a lot of films, especially Horror Films.  I used to absolutely love them, but now I can't stand to watch them.  She used to live in a really old cottage that had creaky floor boards and not really any heating. The bathroom was downstairs.  She used to keep tropical fish and really liked listening to Glen Miller music.  Over a dirt road from her used to live Aunty Mary (I think she was Nan Joyce's Mums, sister) - we used to sometimes pop over there to see her.  Something that really sticks in my mind is that they had one of those really old wood burners that heated the house and was their cooker.  She had one of those old irons that you put on the burner to heat up before using to iron the clothes.  It makes me sound as if I am 70 years old - I'm not honestly.  It must have been quite a while ago as Nan Joyce died when I was around 11 years old.  Its amazing some of the detail that I can actually remember.  Unfortunately Nan died quite young, I think she was around 58 years old and Grandad Harold  (Mums Dad) who I I don't remember as he died when I was only a couple of weeks old.  He was only in his late 40's - he took their dog for a walk and never came home.  Sorry for making it a sad story, that wasn't meant to happen.  I now need to make you laugh, so here goes - you remember how I was telling you about my Mum who used to do mad things, well I just told you about how my brothers used to play football and Mum was a very avid supporter, even when they were old enough drive themselves there.  When I say avid supporter I the mean the very noisy small woman standing on the sideline swearing at the referee.  One week she took it a little too far, so the referee, came running off the pitch and gave her a yellow card. He asked her name and Mum being Mum, she told him her name was "George Best" - he obviously believed her - not!! Eventually somebody told the ref her name.  She got a fine for it.  Do you think that taught her a lesson - of course it didn't!!! She was just as bad when she had her Ipswich Town Season Ticket, she just wasn't close enough the the ref!

I think you have had enough of memory lane now!  So we have been and done the shopping again tonight.  What do you think happened tonight???   Well there were still a few idiots around and Chris had a rather strong word with one that decided he would get about 2 feet away with him. Then going further around the supermarket we noticed sugar all over the floor everywhere we went.  We finally got to the last aisle looking at the booze and Chris said there is something on my shoe.  He had a pile of sugar on the top - he had been walking around with sugar going everywhere. We found the naughty bag of sugar and it was nearly empty.  We are really sorry Tesco! We were nearly in tears as Chris took his shoe off to empty it of sugar. We must have looked a right sight, with our gloves, masks and bent over laughing. 

So that's my news for today, so until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Day 31 - Lockdown

Day 31 of Lockdown

So here we are again.  Sorry for the grumpy blog yesterday.  I really wasn't feeling it yesterday and was very tired. On a good note I had an amazing nights sleep last night and feel so much better for it today.

Had another busy day at work so that was good.

Matthew cooked our tea tonight - Sweet and Sour Chicken with noodles.  I have to say it was delicious and looking forward to his next evening of cooking.

My Dad has decided to get up with the 'kids' as it were and set himself up on Facebook.  It was a bit of a shock to get a notification asking to be his friend.  I thought someone was impersonating him - apparently it is really him!  The worst thing is that he can now see these blogs, so can't talk about him anymore - hey Dad!  I did speak to him earlier and he has been reading my blogs and said if he ate what we do, he would be the size of a house.  He hasn't seen me for a while! 

We are proud to say that we came second in the Zoom Quiz tonight.  It was a really good laugh and nice to see so many people.  Thank you Russ for being our Quiz host.  He really went for it with the graphics.  I don't know how he has found time to organise it!

We have some food arriving tomorrow from the Cook Shop - really looking forward to it.  We have ordered some delicious goodies and included a pudding that Matthew chose.

Its shopping night again tomorrow, so we will be armed with our lists.  We have the parents lists now and just need to complete our own.

Got to tell you something that made us laugh last night.  Matthew got on the ride on mower yesterday as I told you and we are friends with some of our neighbours on Facebook.  So on my blog last night (you may have seen it), a neighbour commented "I love the grass Matthew although don’t think you will become a hairdresser ðŸ’‡‍♀️ looking forward to seeing the Goal go up or the cricket crease" 
He hasn't got on the mower again, yet!  He left a few tufty bits.

So not a lot more to say tonight as its a bit of a late one again tonight.

You all take care and so until tomorrow... keep your distance!

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Day 30 - Lockdown

Day 30 of Lockdown.

So the woodpecker got away again.  I think he must be camera shy as I saw him, got to the window and he flew off and I ended up with a photo of the feeder only.  Please note I did go to the window slowly as not to scare him off.  So instead I thought I would show you our apple tree.  Its just starting to bloom.  I will hopefully have more updates on this soon.  Chris gave me this for one of our Wedding Anniversaries.

I have had a very busy day again, which is great, but I have not been used to not knowing where to turn next!

Had another bad nights sleep, another 2am one!  Chris had to get up early to load some lorries, so not many hours last night.  This is driving me mad, but try again tonight.

We have our Zoom quiz tomorrow night - wish us luck.  I am useless at this sort of thing, but hopefully the rest of the family will be able make up for it.

I have to say I made the worst tea we have had of the lockdown. I made Macaroni cheese and didn't have enough cheese and put cauliflower in it.    It really didn't taste of cheese.  We also had a part bake roll with it.  Matthew said the best part was the roll - so it must have been bad. I now feel bad as I try to feed us nice dinners and have let everyone down.  We have also ordered some frozen meals from our neighbours who have one of the Cook Food franchises to give me a bit of a break.  They look delicious and we have tried them before.

Matthew has mowed some of the grass we have outside the fence today.  Chris normally mows it with a big mower on a tractor, but it has broken and should have been fixed by the engineer last year, but he still hasn't done it and now can't get the parts because of the lockdown.  It will take hours for him to do the rest of the grass that needs cutting.  I reckon when he has finished it all he will have to start again.  He is a bit of a moody teenager today - its not bad, its only taken 30 days!

As you can tell there wasn't a lot happen today and to be honest I feel really tired and my brain doesn't want to think of things to ramble on about.  So I am going to night, night.

So until tomorrow.... keep your distance!

Monday 20 April 2020

Day 29 - Lockdown

Day 29 is here. So we are officially now over 4 weeks.

I keep trying to get some nice photographs to share with you each day - sorry they happen to be 'Ant Boy' quite often.  This is tonight whilst waiting for Mr Fix-it to lock up the farm sheds.  He was watching him!
I have been trying to capture our local woodpecker that has decided to come and visit our new bird feeding station.  I will keep trying and hopefully be able to share it with you before long.

Had a busy day at work doing this and that, not really stopped, not really sure we achieved all that much, but at least Monday is now over!

Matthew took Teddy for a good 3 mile walk today - he has slept for quite a while since, but was obviously up for a very small walk to lock the sheds up.  Matthew also got some more test result indications that he took the last day of school.  They sound really promising - he has worked so hard and it has obviously paid off.

So tonight we are looking forward to the final of University Challenge.  I don't have a clue what half the questions mean let alone the answers, but it has been quite amusing this year as they seem to have some strong personalities that have got to the final.  You have to watch it.  I am swatting up for our Zoom quiz on Wednesday and hope some of the questions on tonights quiz are asked on Wednesday!

We had homemade pizza for tea.  I had some pineapple, yes pineapple and pepperoni for the toppings.  I made the tomato sauce out of a mixture of things, like sun-dried tomatoes, tomato puree, salt, pepper and mixed herbs and I put a couple of teaspoons of tomato and chilli chutney in there.  I love mixing things like that together.  They were really filling.  Now looking forward to a slice of Lemon Meringue that Matthew made yesterday.  I told the boys tonight that I want them each to make a meal a week, to save me from cooking every night.  We did hear from our neighbours that the fish and chip shop in the next village takes orders for collection a few evenings a week, so that may be on the cards soon.  We don't have many take aways, possibly a couple a month, so I don't really feel like I am missing them.

I have not been sleeping too great and hope tonight I can actually get to sleep.  It was around 2am again last night/this morning, although the alarm didn't go off until 8am this morning, which was good as I was shattered.  I think this is the 3rd night in a row, so really need a good sleep tonight.  My brain just will not shut up snd its beginning to annoy me.  I think that maybe I am feeling more anxious than I am letting on to my self.  Fingers crossed for a good night.  It doesn't help that a certain somebody wakes up startled most nights - a couple of nights ago he wanted to know where our cat was.  We don't have a cat!  He often wakes up thinking there are spiders around or Teddy is running around under the bed.

So thats my news for today, not very exciting is it, but thats life in lockdown.

You all take care and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Sunday 19 April 2020

Day 28 - Lockdown

Day 27 of Lockdown.

I still can't believe we have got this far.  I did think when it started I might get to around 60 days, but the way it is going who knows!

I am sorry if I just ramble on each day about basically nothing, but I have to say that this is keeping me going as well as having such a lovely family and friends.

We have had such a busy day again.  I do wonder if we will run out of jobs to do. 
I pressure washed the fence as we have had lots of problems with the paint peeling off.  Its a picket fence so you can imagine how much of a nightmare it is and muddy I got.  Chris was using a sander to take other parts off that weren't so flaky.  Sorry neighbours for making so much noise with the petrol pressure washer. I then had to step out of my clothes into the shower!

Teddy then had an appointment at the Doggy Beauty Parlour and as you can see above it went well. He smells of oranges now and looks all fluffy. He didn't want his fur cut around his eyes, but I managed to do a little bit.  He also had a toothbrush and had is pads greased up for more speed!

I then made my way into the kitchen to sort out some tea.  I made Ballontine of Chicken tonight.  I have never made this before and just flew by the seat of my pants as it were.  I made some sage and onion stuffing.  Flattened the chicken then put the stuffing in the chicken and rolled it into cling film.  I then put it into a simmering pan of water for around 20 minutes. Once it was cooked pan fried it to give it a caramelised skin.  I also made roasted vegetables - sweet potato, pepper, carrot and leeks.  I love my yorkies, so decided to make those too, but only wanted small ones as we don't have that many eggs left.  And obviously gravy.

Whilst I was cooking tea Matthew made us a Lemon Meringue Pie.  He made the pastry along with the Lemon filling and meringue.  I am so proud of him for trying new things.  It was a bit of a squeeze both of us trying to make food in the kitchen at the same time.  Look at the result.  I didn't really help him, just gave him guidance on what different things meant in the recipe.

So its Monday tomorrow and back at work.  Have a Zoom meeting and we also have a Zoom Quiz on Wednesday night that we are looking forward to.

Something I have realised about being at home more is that we have more time to chat to the neighbours whilst socially distancing obviously.  Its really nice to catch up with them and we ask each other for help with things either of us don't have.  Thats what a community is about, however small it may be.

So all in all a great weekend and now we have a 5 day week ahead.  Simon is back doing school work tomorrow - its a bit of a worry as they really don't know when they will go back.  I also worry about Matthew and how he will get on the next 2 years with school the way it is.  Anyway that's a worry for another day and everyone is in the same boat.

So you all take care, stay safe and until tomorrow..... keep your distance!

Saturday 18 April 2020

Day 27 - Lockdown

Day 27 of my blog lockdown.

I have started this twice as for some reason it was playing up and lost loads of what I did, which is a pain in the butt!

The days seem to blot into each other these days.  At least having a little bit on work helps with trying to keep track of Monday-Friday.

So we had a little lie in this morning and decided to make a late breakfast.  I made Fay Ripleys Bake Breakfast Eggs and I have to say they were delicious with a bread roll.  Images shown above.

I then decided to tackle the boxes that were still sitting in our bedroom.  I can now confirm that all the crap is sorted out and either in the bin or nice and tidy.  I can't wait to get into our nice clean sheets tonight. Am I the only one that loves bed changing day or should I put it this way, like getting into clean sheets. (I hate bed change day as I have to change them).

We went outside for a bit today. We worked through the 20 or so spots of rain.  The poor garden looks a little bare now as have cut back absolutely loads.  I couldn't stop chopping all sorts, but my back started hurting so thought I better come in for a rest.  Teddy did his usual of stealing things and us having to chase after him.

We had some tuna/potato patties for tea and they were really nice.  Thought we would change it up a bit.

We haven't really been upto much else.  Obviously the odd glass of wine!

Wish us luck tomorrow as Teddy is going to have a spruce up.  He needs a bath, teeth brush, brush and fur cut!

So until tomorrow...keep your distance!

Friday 17 April 2020

Day 26 - Lockdown

Day 26 - Lockdown.

I have to say I am losing track of the days and time at the moment.  Its been a 4 day week, but doesn't really feel like it. I don't know where the time has gone.  I think that is probably a good thing especially in the current climate.

Not really got a an enormous amount of news to share with you today.  

I have had a very busy working day, which I have really enjoyed.  We dropped the shopping off at the in-laws and popped into a shop to get some extra bits we couldn't get for them last night.  

Been for our daily exercise and it was blooming freezing so we cut the walk short.  Although Teddy didn't get the memo as he decided that a lonely goose was fair game tonight.  The stupid thing kept dropping to the ground and he was then back hot on its tail.  It eventually got  away by flying over a ditch he didn't fancy jumping.  He has tried jumping ditches before and got stuck in the middle, so he doesn't tend to try them these days.

We had our curry evening as you can see from the above image.  It was lovely and I didn't even have to make it all on my own, I had assistance from Sir Fix-it!  It obviously went down nicely with a cold glass of wine or two!

No ingredient tonight, although I was well chuffed today - managed to get some more macaroni.  We have struggled to get any so that hasn't been on the menu for a while.  Its funny how you tend to look around shops and when you see something you can't get you grab it rather quickly.

I have a few jobs on the agenda for this weekend.  I still need to sort out our bedroom - everything is still in boxes.  I'm sure you can't imagine who has been reminding me about this! Some chopping back of bushes near my office/gym window needs doing.  The new bird feeder station has arrived so that needs making up as the birdies need this new one desperately.  I am not sure if it will rain this weekend, so the washing may have to dry inside again, which is really annoying.

I feel like I am a bit annoyed at the moment.  I don't feel particularly annoyed about anything in particular, but maybe I do deep down.  I didn't sleep too well again last night - brain in overdrive again, so do feel a bit tired tonight.  Need a weekends rest from my brain whirring - lets hope that happens hey!

A subject I have touched on briefly is my Mum.  For those of you who don't know, we unfortunately lost my Mum nearly 15 years ago.  I know it sounds bad, but as you lose track of time you don't always remember how long ago it was.  Unfortunately for me I know exactly as Simon was born on the 10th March and Mum passed away on the 30th June 2005.  She was a complete loonie, to put it bluntly.  She was very stubborn but always the life and soul.  The sort of person that at 9pm in the evening would get in the car and drive a for a couple of hours to somewhere completely random because she wanted to.  I do often wonder what she would think of this or that and especially the situation we are in at the moment.  I really can't imagine her towing the line as that just wasn't in her make up.  I shall have to think of some stories to tell you - don't worry we seem to have plenty of time.

So until tomorrow, you all stay safe.... keep your distance!

Thursday 16 April 2020

Day 25 - Lockdown

So here we are again and it is now Day 25.

I have some good news to report....
Had a really good nights sleep last night and feel so much better for it - had a bit of a smile on my face today!
We managed to go to the Supermarket tonight and get all of our families shopping for the next week - yipppeee.  

As there is usually bad news after good just thought I would share with you my thoughts on the news today that we are in lockdown for another 3 weeks.  I have to say I didn't expect anything different, but now we have been told thats the way it is, it makes me feel a little anxious again, but I am feeling much cooler about the situation with shopping etc.  I hope everyone doesn't go crazy again with stocking up on food.

When we were shopping tonight I have to say I cannot believe the way that people act.  We had our masks and gloves on and few other people did also.  There were others just wondering around willy nilly, not sticking to the correct route at all and with only a couple of things in their basket.  Is it me or were we only meant to go shopping once a week or for emergency items.  Put it this way we got rather frustrated with said people.  We kept our distance also, but even the staff weren't.  The notes say look after our staff - well the staff ought to be looking where they are going and not wondering around.  Rant over!!

 Last night I said I would share my recipe for Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff, so here it is.  Excuse the state of our slow cooker.  It was my mum and dads and the handle is a little broken, but it works which is the main thing.  This is a very simple recipe, but really tasty and great for when you have worked all day.

We did our clap for the Carers this evening in Tesco, which was really nice.  I was surprised at the amount of people that didn't even stop what they were doing and clap.  Maybe they are one of those people we are clapping, who knows.

So until tomorrow... keep your distance!

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Day 24 - Lockdown

Day 24 of this lockdown.  We are nearing the 4 week mark, can't quite believe it.

A bit of a late one today as been really busy and feel really tired.  This is the view from our 'finished' bedroom tonight.  It looks amazing even if I do say so myself.

So yes been a very busy day. I have worked most of the day.  I have been really surprised by how busy it has been.  I have been learning a few new skills along the way by updating a website, that I haven't really done before on this platform. Its really interesting and have been enjoying coming up with new designs along the way. 

I had another bad nights sleep last night. I remember looking at the clock at around 2:30am and then got up around 8am, had a little lie in. I am hoping for a better night tonight.  I just couldn't stop my brain from whirring around.  It drove me mad.  I don't think it was really anything to do with this situation, I just couldn't shut my brain off.

Chris started to put our bedroom back together, but I have loads of sorting out to do with all my crap and just couldn't bring myself to sort it out tonight, so I left it in boxes to sort out tomorrow - hopefully.  At least we will be able to sleep back in our bed tonight and hopefully get a good nights sleep and find some clothes as I have been wearing the same trousers for a few days now!

Is it me or does it feel as though people are going to come out of this fitter than when they started?  It seems many more people are going out for walks/runs/cycles and taking part in fitness at home.  Maybe they were going to the gym before and that why it seems that way now.

We went for our family walk this evening and as you can see Simon got dressed up for the occasion.  He makes us laugh.  We don't see him all day and then he appears occasionally for food, water and walks.  Oh and the odd game of ping pong and fitness.

Ingredient will be back tomorrow as I haven't had time to look at anything for you tonight, I was thinking of what we had for tea.  Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff. Will put this together for you tomorrow.

Hope you all have a good nights sleep and until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Day 23 - Lockdown

Day 23 of Lockdown.

This is a photo from our newly painted upstairs room.  The sun was too bright and went blurry when I tried to capture it, so had to take it from the side.  Its still a little chilly outside but extremely sunny.

As our bedroom is out of order at the moment we slept in the spare room.  We really didn't get a good nights sleep and are spending another night in there tonight.  Hopefully tonight will be better.  I can report that Sir Fix-it has now finished the decorating, but we need to leave it to dry and the smell to go before moving back in and checking if the bed is completely fixed.  I am not sure what has got into him, but tonight he got his drill out and repaired the butchers block for me.  Please note I was trying to cook our dinner at the same time.

So tonights ingredient is.....Dried Spaghetti.  Yes we do have some still as I have been rationing us.  I have a really nice recipe for you - Fay Ripley's Baked Spaghetti Carbonara. Its one that I have been making for quite some time, but as you can imagine in these circumstances I have had to make a few adjustments to work with what we have in our cupboards.   I have added the recipe at the bottom as I am unable to find it online for you.  I used bacon and didn't have any Asparagus, so we just had it plain.  We like this as when its in the oven it coats all the spaghetti with the sauce.

I have had a busy day working, with Zoom meetings and general admin work, which has been a real boost for me.  I love feeling useful, I really do.

We have been for one bit of daily exercise by taking Teddy for his usual walk.  There are a few ways we can go so we left it up to him to choose the route tonight and he chose his favourite one.  He has a thing about eating wheat still and it is getting taller each day - it won't be long before we lose him in the field.  He also has a thing about walking on my laptop if I leave it on the sofa to go and get something - you could have seen all the rude words Teddy had typed had I no proof read this!

We had another delivery today so that is still sitting on the doorstep.  We have been leaving any deliveries out for a day if possible in order not to touch the packaging, just to be on the safe side.

So I think thats about it for today, until tomorrow....keep your distance!

Fay's Baked Spaghetti Carbonara
Ingredients for 4 people:

1 small onion, finely chopped
200g pancetta, bite size
2 garlic cloves, crushed
250g dried spaghetti
2 large eggs yolks
150g asparagus spears
150ml carton single cream
4 tablespoons vegetable stock
4 tablespoons fresh breadcrumbs
6 tablespoons grated Parmesan
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped ((I left this out as I didn't have some)
1 tablespoon olive oil

Preheat the oven to 180C (fan), 200C, gas mark 6. 

Fry the onion and pancetta until cooked, and then add the garlic briefly.
Meanwhile cook the spaghetti, drain and immediately mix the egg yolks with the hot pasta. At the same time, make up the stock and either steam, blanch or microwave the asparagus ( or steam them over the pasta). Set to one side.
Gently mix together the eggy pasta, the onion and pancetta mixture, asparagus, cream, stock and half the Parmesan. Pile into an ovenproof dish. Mix together the remaining Parmesan, breadcrumbs, parsley and olive oil and scatter over the top. Bake for 15 minutes.

Monday 13 April 2020

Day 22 - Lockdown Bank Holiday Easter Monday

Day 22 is here and we are still in Lockdown.  It only dawned on me this morning that as yesterday was day 21 of my blog, that I have been writing it for 3 weeks, which is quite amazing really, well it is for me.

Its so nice to receive messages on various platforms from friends and family along the way.  It has really kept me going and makes me realise even more that we are not the only ones going through this too and there a quite a number of people alot worse off than we are.  We are very grateful for what we have.

So last night saw us playing The Logo game.  We do love playing a game in this family.  As usual in any family there is always one that has to win, maybe not at all costs, but its very clear they want to be the winner.  I wonder who that is??  I am the most uncompetitive person when it comes to games as I just don't have that drive to have to win - I like the taking part a lot more.

Today started off well, with us having a slight lie in and having some breakfast.  We then put the upstairs lounge back together after Chris's great bit of decorating.  I try to keep out the way these days as I don't do things just right!  We then decided to tackle our bedroom, I was not so keen as it meant sorting through loads of stuff that has been there since we had the loft conversion nearly 10 years ago.  As you can imagine we have accumulated quite a lot and absolutely loads of dust.  So we attempt to move the bed and I thought I was being helpful and ended up pulling the side away from the headboard.  I didn't realise my own strength.  So Mr Fix-it had to see if he could repair it or we are going to have to order a new bed.  Firstly we don't want the expense at the moment and secondly how long would that take?  I am pleased to report that Mr Fix-it has repaired it, well we hope he has, only time will tell.  I also managed to get a hole in his dust sheet, which he was not too pleased with.  As you can tell its best I keep out of the way.

I went outside with Matthew and did some more path edging.  I know there is a snazzy little tool for edging the lawn, but we don't have one, so Matthew and I have been on our hands and knees with some scissors and shears.  If you know what our garden looks like you will realise how ridiculous we must look clipping the edges with scissors.  I do wonder if the lockdown may have finished by the time we get done.  Its blooming back breaking also and doesn't help when our hinderance (Ant Boy) comes to steal things and we have to chase him around the garden.

Teddy and I have been on our daily exercise, but a smaller walk today for us.  The wind was really cold today that was for sure.  I didn't wear nearly enough layers so decided a short walk was in order. Not sure that 'Ant Boy' was very impressed though.  Image above shows him relaxing - he was shattered this afternoon.

As the weather has been so lovely I decided I need to paint my toes.  So I got out my gel nails kit and now I have some lovely pink toes.  They certainly put a smile on my face.  I am so pleased that I invested in this kit a while ago.  

So how am I feeling on Day 22.  Well to be honest I am not really sure.  I don't feel anxious as previously and the butterflies have gone in my tummy.  I can't say I feel particularly positive either, but I am trying to think positively.  Is it weird to actually feel comfortable at home and enjoying spending time with my family?  I have always been a bit of shy home-bird so I wonder if thats why I feel comfortable, who knows.  I think getting some jobs done at home has made me feel like we are getting somewhere and happy about that, but when we run out of jobs I wonder if I will feel the same.  The jobs list is still fairly long so it will take some time.  

I have watched the daily update and news today and saw that Italy has started to open a few shops, but their lockdown has now been extended for another 3 weeks.  We are behind them, so I can't see our lockdown being lifted for at least another month.  I do feel very sorry for all the businesses that are struggling with the obvious lack of tourism as well as other businesses that struggling.  I do wonder what the world and closer to home will look like after we have got over this nasty, nasty pandemic.

As you know Matthew's exams have been cancelled, so the school and the Exam board will now make a decision on what results he will get.  He did some tests the day that they finished and he has been given an indication of at least one of the results, which was very positive for him, so fingers crossed that he will not be penalised for something that isn't his fault.  We are now a little concerned for Simon as he will be taking his GCSE's this time next year. At least all the children will be in the same boat.

So I am now off for a glass of Bank Holiday Monday Vino, so until tomorrow...keep your distance!