Tuesday 30 June 2020

Day 100 - My last Daily Blog

Day 100 - Can you quite believe I have written 100 blogs, its bonkers isn't it.  I actually feel bad for making this my last daily blog now after receiving so many lovely messages on Facebook.  I didn't realise that so many people read them and like what they read.  Its good to know that I may have helped in some small way to get some of you through what have been some very tough months.  

The situation we are in hasn't been particularly easy by any stretch.  In the beginning, it scared the shit out of me, to put it bluntly, and then this blog happened and it helped me to put how I was feeling into words and was good to know that I wasn't alone in the way that I felt.

Don't worry you haven't heard the last from me.  I will look at doing a weekly blog at the weekends so that I can still keep in touch with you all.  It will just be a round-up for the week that has passed and you all know any comments are very welcome.

I have found it difficult to find photographs to put on here every night, at least I will have a few to choose from in my weekly blogs.  I will still have to keep track of how many days its been since my blog started as it will be interesting to know how many days this will go on for.

Had a quiet day today, but sometimes that is good to let my brain have time to think of new things.  I find I need that sometimes just to keep coming up with new ideas and let the creative juices flow as it were.

I still haven't really done much with the book I started quite a while ago, but I may just have a bit more time now and I do have some more ideas coming to me all the time, so I really hope I can pull it out of the bag before the end of the year.

Thank you everyone for being so encouraging over the last 100 days and like I said this will not be my last blog, this is just the next step.

I wasn't sure which photo to put on this blog as I have so many but I love this photo so felt it was perfect for this blog.

I hope you have enjoyed some of the recipes I have shared and if there are any you would like please do let me know.  I will try to put some more recipes up on my new blogs if I can find something exciting for you.

Thanks again and please do all stay safe, stay alert and keep your distance!

Monday 29 June 2020

Day 99 - Stay Alert

Day 99 - Monday..... and what an odd day it has been.

The weather has been a bit pants again.  It is just so windy and looks like it wants to rain all the time but doesn't.

Had a fairly busy day at work as Mondays always seem to be slow to get going.

We had Jacket Spuds with chicken for our tea, which was a lovely easy tea.  We ate some leftover pulled pork in wraps for our lunch which was just as yummy as last night.  I found the recipe in the new BBC Good Food Magazine.

The above picture is of what ships we saw coming and going from Felixstowe yesterday.  It's really interesting watching them loading and unloading the containers as the cranes work really quickly.

Simon is back at school again tomorrow for his 3-hour session.  He seems to be getting on ok with his work, so I am not too worried at the moment.

I am thinking that after tomorrow's blog I am going to start posting a blog once a week as I shall be honest I find myself getting extremely boring on here and don't have very much to talk about.  It will be my 100th tomorrow, so I thought that might be a good place to finish my daily ones.

This situation has been really odd and certainly an experience we all hope we don't have to go through ever again once things can get back to normal.  I have to say that I don't think it will get back to any sort of normality until this time next year, which seems an awfully long time away.  I am getting a bit fed up with it all now and just want our normal lives back.  It feels like we are always treading on eggshells with everything we do.  

So until tomorrow....my last daily blog....stay alert and keep your distance!

Sunday 28 June 2020

Day 98 - Stay Alert

Day 98 - What a quiet Sunday!

We got up early headed to Felixstowe for a little wander.  It was lovely and quiet, but very windy -  it was just so nice.  Teddy went in the sea again and a large wave came and knocked him over, bless him, it was funny.  He just loves going into the sea.

We saw a few container ships coming and going today so we went to investigate down at the port and there some big ships there.

I have managed to get all the ironing done today and cooked the most delicious pulled pork.  I did marinate it yesterday morning for us to have today and I have to say it was definitely worth it.  Just so yummy!

Looking forward to another busy week ahead and hopefully, the weather will improve again.  It has been on and off rain all day here.  It doesn't know what to do.

Hope you all had a fabby weekend, so until tomorrow... keep your distance!

Saturday 27 June 2020

Day 97 - Stay Alert

Day 97 and we are still staying alert.

What a weird Saturday it has been.  We didn't bother getting up too early as we didn't really have anything planned.

It has tried to rain on and off all day which has played havoc with my washing.  I thought it was going to blow off the line the way the wind was blowing today.

Chris cut the hedges today and I helped him clear up all the trimmings.  I made another Pineapple Cheesecake along with some breakfast muffins.

We really haven't done very much today as you can tell.  Had curry for tea, which was delicious and we are hoping to go for a walk soon after the footie has finished.  Hopefully, we won't get blown away.

We are thinking of getting up early tomorrow morning to pop to the seaside and not meet so many people - fingers crossed.

The image here is from a couple of nights ago but thought I would share it with you.

You all enjoy the rest of your Saturday evening and until tomorrow.... stay alert and keep your distance!

Friday 26 June 2020

Day 96 - Stay Alert

Day 96 - Happy warm Friday!

So what started a bit wet turned into another muggy and warm day.  I thought it felt warmer than yesterday, but we did have a lovely breeze where we live which was great.

Had our usual shopping this morning.  It was pouring of rain on way so wondered how we were going to get on sorting it all out, but luckily it stopped by the time we were sorting the shopping out in the car park.   We did go to drop the shopping off at Chris parents and then find that his Dads car was ready from the garage so we went and paid the bill for them.  Then we went to the shop to get their bread, but they don't supply what they wanted so just got what they had.  Arrived back to drop off the bread and was told they then wanted some tubs of ice cream, so back off the shop Chris goes. What fun.

I eventually got to work and was inundated with emails which I still haven't got completely up to date with.  A crazy day.  I really don't know where the weeks are going at the moment, life seems to be flying by.

We had Mexican enchiladas for tea tonight which were delicious.

We haven't really got anything planned for the weekend, but might pop to the seaside for an early walk one morning. 

As you can tell not a lot has happened today.  I took the above picture last night on our walk and hadn't seen that one before.

So you all have a wonderful weekend and until tomorrow...... stay alert and keep your distance!

Thursday 25 June 2020

Day 95 - Stay Alert

Day 95 - Stay Alert

What a very warm day we have had today.  I cannot believe how warm it was.  I was holed up in my office all day with the fan on as it was just so muggy.

Sorry I am late tonight.... its shopping night so I am running a bit late.  We had out tea, courtesy of Matthew.  Chicken in breadcrumbs with some chunky chips, then waited for a little while before going on our walk as it was so warm.  So we went on our walk and saw some other people coming down our usual track, so we decided to carry on further.  I really wish we hadn't.  We ended up going along a field and then down some tram-lines through a bean field.  All I could hear was buzzing as there are lots of flies and bees.  The bees are meant to be there, but after a while the noise go to me so I ran for it.  We eventually got out of there and by the time we got home it was quite late and still had to finish off the shopping, which I have just done.  Breathe!!

I am also using our old lap top as the boys are using mine to watch footie again tonight - its keeping them out of mischief so I am not too worried.

It sounds like we might be getting some thunder storms in the next day or so which will hopefully clear the air a bit.

So until tomorrow... stay alert and still keep your distance!

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Day 94 - Stay Alert

Day 94 - and what another beautiful Wednesday.

Guess where we went for our tea tonight??  Yes, you guessed it the beach.  I finished work a little earlier today and we made our way there.  We were hoping that everyone that had been there today would have left - how wrong were we?  It was completely manic.  Queues everywhere for the fish and chips.  The beach was still fairly busy too, but we did manage to walk along the promenade and then back again.  We were lucky we found some dinner a little further away from the front.  I was lovely and the rest of the family told me it was the best fish and chips they have had for years.

As you see there was only one of us that went into the sea tonight.  Teddy loved it - he was absolutely drenched but in his element.

Got home and then went in the hot tub for a relax and the boys are now wanting to watch the football via my laptop.

So until tomorrow.... stay alert and keep your distance!

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Day 93 - Stay Alert

Day 93 and it has been a beautiful Tuesday.  The weather here has been amazing and it sounds like it is set to get hotter later in the week.

Had my Chiropractors appointment this morning and it went ok.  I had to wear a mask and he was wearing the full PPE, which was reassuring.  Had a few things adjusted and now have to wait my usual couple of days for it to settle down.  I do feel ok today though as I can sometimes suffer straight afterwards.  With any luck, I won't need to go back until my next adjustment in October.

We had a lovely BBQ for our tea tonight and then went on our evening walk.  As you can see the sun was still shining and it was nice.  Teddy was a good boy tonight and came back to the whistle when he was asked to and rolling in anything nasty which is a bonus.

Had another busy day at work.  I am really unsure where the time goes as I don't that I achieve an awful lot in a day at the moment.  There always seems to be something else to do.

We are hoping to go to the seaside tomorrow evening as we didn't make it at the weekend.  Going to take our chairs and sit on the beach to eat takeaway fish and chip, or sausage in my case as I don't eat fish.  Tomorrow's blog might be a bit late, but I will let you know how it goes.

I was listening to last evening update tonight and I am really concerned about the new changes.  I know that people need to keep their jobs and the world has to try and get back to some sort of normality but I do think people should move around with caution still and not that you should only be 1 metre apart. Anyway, that's enough on that subject.

So until tomorrow evening, please do stay alert and keep your distance!

Monday 22 June 2020

Day 92 - Stay Alert

Day 92 - Monday has been and certainly going to be gone soon.

Just thought I would share with you what a terror our lovely, sweet, cute, furry little boy is!  This has happened at least twice to this poor pot.

Got up with a bit of a fuzzy head today and no it doesn't have anything to with too much wine, I think it was more to do with the fact it was a Monday!  I really don't know why I feel like this on Mondays as I never used to.  I have thought about it and I think it is because we are not doing very much at the weekend, so it takes my brain a little while to catch up and want to start thinking again.

I got a call from my Chiropractor today to confirm they are now open 3 mornings a week from this week.  They have CovidSecure measures in place, which is reassuring and I am to wear a mask.  I have an appointment for the morning, which I am really grateful for.  My back was feeling a little better but my neck is now taking the brunt of it, so its best that I do get looked at sooner rather than later.  

We have got Tarragon and Lemon Chicken for tea with new potatoes and salad.  My mouth is watering waiting for it to cook.  Its the last Cook Food meal we have in the freezer so we are going to have to order some more.  These are our 'takeaways' and are just amazing.  They are so full of some delicious ingredients, they are probably better for us than many takeaways.  All the packaging is also recyclable, what more could you want.

I am going to love yer and leave yer and get the rest of our dinner ready.  Have a lovely evening.  So until tomorrow....stay alert and keep your distance!

Sunday 21 June 2020

Day 91 - Stay Alert on Father's Day.

Day 91 - I cannot believe that this is my 91st blog.  I must be boring the hell out of you all with my droning on about my days and the stupid things I do.

Happy Father's Day to all those Daddies out there especially mine, Chris and my Father-in-Law.  I am sure there are many of you that are unfortunately without your Daddies today - don't worry they are watching you and sending hugs.

As you can see we had this for our tea tonight.  This was courtesy of Matthew.  He made it all on his own, I am so proud of him.  Simon helped me clear up so he do his bit and he did cook us a chilli last night.

This morning we went and socially distanced with some friends who have just got a Cockerpoo - he just the cutest little thing and so fluffy and cuddly.  It was so nice to actually see people face to face and have a conversation.  It did feel really weird but in a good way.  We also left Teddy on his own for the first time since lockdown, he doesn't seem any worse for it.  That little boy is just so easy and just seems to get on with it.

We dopped Simon at his friend's house this morning with his bike.  He met up with 5 friends today, which is the first time since lockdown.  He seems to have had a nice time and looking a little red now for the sun.  

We didn't make it to the seaside this weekend, but I am hoping we might make it back there sometime soon as I need my fix.

All in all we had a very nice weekend and it is Monday again tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening and until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

Saturday 20 June 2020

Day 90 - Stay Alert

Day 90 - Stay Alert on Saturday.

So how has your weekend started?

We got up fairly leisurely this morning and did the cleaning and I started the washing that has continued throughout the day.  I have a lovely basket or so ironing to do now!

I spent the afternoon baking.  So we have a lemon no-bake cheesecake.  Oat & Raisin Cookies.  Spiced Banana Breakfast Muffin.  I really enjoyed doing this as I hadn't really baked for a while as Matthew has been doing it.

As you can see from the cookie jar I had a little extra help today.

We haven't really done a lot as you can see, but it has been a nice relaxing day despite having to do the cleaning.  Not looking forward to the ironing pile tomorrow.

We are now going to head into the hot tub for a relax and another glass of vino, so I will bid you goodnight.

So until tomorrow....stay alert and keep your distance!

Friday 19 June 2020

Day 89 - Stay Alert

Day 89 and its Friday and we are still staying alert.

As you can see Teddy loves his desk area while I am working.  He usually sits near the wheels of my chair so he can keep an eye on me when I move.  Bless him!

Got to tell you about what a little monkey Teddy was last night.  Took him on his walk last night and he was actually being good - coming back to whistle etc.  Not too far away from home, we disappeared - we thought oh nowhere has he gone as there is an area where we there must be a fox living.  So we went to find how where he had gone and he came back poo all over the front of his body.  We really don't know what sort of poo it was, but we suspect it was another dog and he absolutely stank of it.  Got home and gloved up and put him the bath for a very deep clean.  That boy tests my patience, but he is just so cute.

We did our usual shopping collection this morning.  Left home at 7:45 and collected what we had ordered.  Then repacked it all so we could drop shopping at Chris's Parents.  Got there dropped the shopping to be told that they wanted bread from a certain shop and that they had a list of around another 10 items they forgot.  So we made our way to the local shop to buy more....we hadn't taken any masks with us, so we just had to go for it.

So what have you all got planned for the weekend..... off the Maldives on holiday??  If only!  

We haven't really got any plans, to be honest.  We going to socially distance from some friends on Sunday morning and hopefully visit the seaside, but not a lot else.  Have the usual housework, washing and ironing to do and I think the weather will be nice, so that's good.

I am now going to pour myself another glass of vino - cheers!!

Until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

Thursday 18 June 2020

Day 88 - Stay Alert

Day 88 - We are still Staying Alert.

Sorry about yesterdays post, it was done on my phone and I have to say that unless I have to do that I will not be repeating it. It took me ages!

Any I hope you are all ok.

This morning was extremely wet, but the sun has certainly come out this evening, it's beautiful.  I have had a very busy day at work and really enjoyed it.  

Matthew has been out bike riding with his mates all day today and had a great time.  It is so nice for him to get out and about as he has been in so long with nothing to do.  He seems a much happier charry since he got home.  Although he did have bike problems before he left home this morning and Mr Fix It had to get his spanners out.

Simon has been school working from home all day again.  He seems to be getting on ok and seems quite happy.

Chris has been servicing our John Deere mower as it has started playing up the last few days.

Teddy doesn't seem himself today.  He is probably getting fed up with us being in his house all day.  |I hope he cheers up a bit when we take him on his evening walk.

I am in the middle of cooking a Risotto for our tea.  I love making this as I tend to chuck in what's left in the fridge.  Its shopping day again tomorrow, so I am using bits and pieces up tonight.

Some other exciting news - some engineers turned up outside here today.  They are putting broadband fibre cables in for us to get faster broadband.  Fingers crossed that Openreach turn up soon to put them to all our properties.  It's awful up here where we live.

So anyway, our dinner is nearly ready.

Until tomorrow...keep your distance!

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Day 87 - stay Alert

Day 87 - what an odd muggy day it has been.

Apologies for this being short as I am typing it on my phone and it is slow progress.

Matthew has made this fruit type bread today. I don’t know what it is called but it tastes amazing.

The reason I am using my phone is that English football has returned tonight and they are using my laptop as it’s the most up to date tech we have in the house.

We had a lovely walk tonight but was worried the rain was going to start at anytime. We have had the odd bit of thunder too.

I hope you are keeping safe and well.

So until tomorrow.... stay alert and keep your distance!

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Day 86 - Still Stay Alert

Day 86, and we are still staying alert on this Tuesday.

Been a bit of an odd day, to be honest.  I haven't felt 100% and my back is still playing me up a bit, but I am hoping it will get better by itself.

So as you can tell not a lot has happened since I last blogged, which makes reading this a bit boring for you guys.

I did notice on Facebook this morning that Wicksteed Park in Kettering has gone into Administration.  I was really saddened by this as it holds a lot of memories for me.  As many of you know I actually come from Bedfordshire and not born in Suffolk, so Kettering was not actually that far from where we lived.  My parents used to take us to Wicksteed Park on occasions, but we would always be taken there in the holidays by Nanny Sylvie and Grandad Eric.  One of the most exciting parts of it was the picnic that Nan made.  Her cakes were always amazing and we always knew that she would have made something special for us.  The other thing was obviously the water bumper boats where we always got soaked.

Talking about that has actually reminded me again of when we went to France with Nan and Grandad when I was pregnant with Matthew.  Not sure if you remember the story about Nan and the Sausage well this was the same holiday.  So there was Me, Chris, Neil, Mum, Dad, Nan and Grandad on our travels to France on the Fast Catamaran to France.  We got the ferry at some stupid time in the morning and Nan packed the breakfast rolls.  So we got asked what we wanted - Egg, Sausage or Salmon Rolls.  Chris ended up being asked last and the only roll left was a Salmon - he didn't have the heart to say no as he didn't want to offend Nan, so he ended up with this roll for his breakfast.  Put it this way - he didn't feel too well for the rest of the journey.  It was the talk in our car for the rest of our journey as we had Neil with us.  It is something that gets talked about quite often here.  It is funny now, but Chris didn't find it very funny at the time.

On that same holiday, Nan had us in fits of laughter.  Now I know she would hate me for telling you this story, but I hope she is looking down and laughs with us about it now.  She always had a thing about needing the toilet all the time; I think I take after her and it was usually at the most ridiculous times.  We were stopped in a lay by to eat some more of her delicious picnic on our way to our accommodation and she decided she needed the loo.  There were no toilets in this particular lay by, so she decided to bop down near a motor home.  We didn't realise that she had done that, until we saw a French man banging on the windows of his motorhome shouting and then we realised that he was shouting at Nan for going to the toilet near his wheels.  She quickly got herself up and sorted and jumped back in the car and we all drove off laughing our heads off. We couldn't believe what she had done, but when you need to go you need to go.   🤣

Oh and Teddy got another gold star tonight - he came back to us twice tonight and once was when he was on the trail of something in a high field of barley.  We could only see barley moving.

So until tomorrow.... stay safe and keep your distance!

Monday 15 June 2020

Day 85 - Stay Alert

Day 85 - what lovely Monday it has been.

So it all started with the alarm going off at 7am this morning.  Really - do we have to get up this early??  Yes, we do as Simon is at school this morning.  That was really hard, although I do have to admit that we have got up early recently to go to the seaside.

Bless him, he got himself up and showered this morning.  He was wearing Matthews old trousers as he would have looked ridiculous.  Although Matthews was a bit too short for him.  The jumper was too big.  He went to put his shoes on and they were too tight, so we tried Matthews old ones and they were too big.  I told him to go in his running shoes, but he decided he could cope for a few hours in shoes that were too small.  I am not buying him any more clothes for school until at least August as he won't stop growing at the moment.

How did the 'new' school go?  It went ok he told me.  We got to the car park to drop off and saw a teacher just sitting on a stool so we waited in our car like lots of other people did until we were told he was allowed to go in.  Then we saw a child dropped out and went straight in - so what rules are we meant to adhere to?  So Simon said I am going - he went to the teacher and got told to sanitise his hands and then go in, so he did.  His class size would have been 10, but 1 person didn't turn up.  He said the time went really quickly and he just got with his work.  He seems to take everything in his stride.  He is not back again until next Wednesday.

I don't feel like I have achieved very much today, but at least Simon is ok having been back at school.

We had Pesto Pasta for our tea tonight.  I got some fresh pesto in our shopping this week.  I chopped and onion sauteed it with some diced chicken, made sure that was cooked through. Boiled some Pasta twirls whilst the chicken was cooking.  Then added the pesto and some double cream to the cooked chicken and onion.  Then drain the cooked pasta and add to the chicken/pesto mixture.  Mix then serve.  It was delicious.

We then went on our evening walk after watching Eggheads.  Found the stone below.

I also noticed a nice photo opportunity for seeing our bungalow, so that the photo above.  I like looking for different photos these days. I have noticed more around me since I have been doing this. 

So until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

Sunday 14 June 2020

Day 84 - Stay Alert

Day 84 and what another beautiful Sunday it was.

As you can see we made it to Felixstowe again.  We went a little later this morning.  Its amazing what a difference an hour makes to the number of people that are around.  We went for our usual walk along the promenade and got ourselves a takeaway hot drink, whilst social distancing. It was fairly breezy but still quite warm.

We were then extremely naughty as we went to McDonald's for something to eat.  I expected there to be a massive queue but there wasn't really anybody around and it was really quick as they have reduced their menu substantially.

We have had an extremely lazy day today, as when we got home we just laid on our new seating reading, but even that got too hot!  Had a nice dip in the hot tub this evening after having a yummy BBQ for tea.  We really have got a comfy outside set up now.  I would now just love a pizza oven - but I am not sure we will get one of those anytime soon.

As you can see has been enjoying his Sunday.  He has found it really warm today and had his cool bandana on - he loves it.

Hope you all have a lovely week ahead.  Simon is back at school tomorrow 9-12.  After I have dropped him off and got home it will be time to go and collect him again.  It's around a 25-minute journey each way.

So you all take care ad hope had a good weekend.... stay safe and keep your distance!

Saturday 13 June 2020

Day 83 - Stay Alert

Day 83 and what a beautiful Saturday it has been!

I got up really late this morning - although I was awake at 8am, I read the rest of my book until around 9:30!  I just had to finish it - it had to be done.

I did lots of washing and changed all the beds and had a general tidy up.  We got our new cover for our outdoor seating area this week, so we now have the seats on there and covered up for the night.  Chris did lots of outdoor jobs cleaning up the garden, so it looks loved again.

As you can see I had to celebrate #WorldGinDay today, I was really good and didn't start until after 4pm.  

We had our usual curry tonight and it was delicious and then went on our usual evening walk.  All of us went again tonight and it was really lovely.  As you can see from the photo below the sun was still shining and it was so warm.

Been a great Saturday - it is amazing how the weather can make you feel so happy and much lighter.

After our walk Teddy wanted a big drink - he just had to get in there.  Please note the water changed today.  He never goes in there he usually just drinks from it - must think he has a large water bowl.

We think we are going to attempt Felixstowe again tomorrow, but may make it a little later as the boys are really craving a MacDonalds.

So until tomorrow... stay safe and keep your distance!

Friday 12 June 2020

Day 82 - Stay Alert

Day 82 - and it is Friiiidddaaaayyyy!!

Just got back from our family evening walk which was rather eventful.  As you can see we saw a new stone.  There was also another one that I didn't take a picture of.  They look amazing.

So we went out as usual and Teddy was off his lead.  The next we know he is rolling in something.  We stopped him and then you should have seen the state of him.  He had rolled in very wet fox poo.  So we had the pleasure of walking the rest of the way with him.  He then went ahead of us around a corner and I heard voices.  So I whistled and  Teddy looked at us and then at them and ran back to us, thank goodness.  We then saw what he ran from.  2 horses with people walking next to them.  It was Jimmy and Dexter with our neighbours, who Teddy can see behind a fence every day.  I think he got a little scared.

In the process of getting him back, Simon grabbed his collar that was covered in the fox poo and decided he would rub it in my face.  It was disgusting.  I cannot describe to you how awful that was until I got home.  We also had to clean Teddy up - what fun that was.

We did our usual shopping collection this morning, only a couple of issues.  Why do they decide they need to put a big jar of coffee on top of some rolls and a big bag of potatoes on top of cherry tomatoes.  I do wonder where peoples brains are sometimes.  Anyway, that is done for another week.  We then had to collect my medications from the doctors and take some parcels to the post office.

I then went to work... and had a busy time working on some new stuff, which was good fun.  

So all in all a good eventful day.  Now looking forward to the weekend.  It was really humid on our walk tonight, so I think we are in for a warm but unsettled weekend ahead.

You all take care.... stay alert and keep your distance!

Thursday 11 June 2020

Day 81 - Stay Alert

Day 81 - And its Thursday!  Not been a great day here weather-wise, in fact, it has been miserable and cold.

Not a lot has happened since I last blogged. I have been at work again and it has been fairly quiet, although I do have plenty to do.

It is our usual phone calls evening to check on what our relatives want from the shopping collection tomorrow.  We are still doing Sainsbury's as they have no limits on anything which helps, although I do wonder what substitutions we might get tomorrow.  I got everything on the list and went to check out and it had lost my slot that I booked last week, so I had to start again - I was not happy!  I still have my slot and now my shopping.  Collect at 8am tomorrow.

I had a play with my coffee this afternoon as you can see.  I thought it looked a bit like a love heart - arhh!

I slept much better last night, but my back is starting to hurt a little bit now.  I haven't since my chiropractor for a while as he had to cancel my appointment because of the virus so it's been at least 6 months now and I usually see him every 3-4 months.  I think I am going to have to do some more pilates or I am going to struggle soon.

I had best go as Chris wants me to cut his hair and then I have a date with a lovely bubble bath.

So until tomorrow, you all stay safe and...keep your distance!

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Day 80 - Stay Alert

Day 80 - What a dreary day this has been.

Just thought I would share a picture of late tea tonight.  We had baked Carbonara.  Simon made fresh pasta, which was delicious.  We then had a Cook Shop Sticky Toffee Pudding and Matthew made the custard.  A family effort.

I then took Teddy for a little walk in the misty rain.  It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be and we had a nice time together.  He was absolutely soaked when we got back.  There were so many puddles.

Had a fairly busy day at work, which is great as I like to keep myself busy.

I didn't sleep too well last night.  I just couldn't get to sleep, not sure what my brain was up to.  I have felt shattered today and hope to sleep better tonight.

The more this goes on the more frustrating I feel it becomes. Yes, we have got into a routine of doing things, but I find myself getting a bit fed up.  I really feel for the people that a furloughed at the moment if they haven't got anything else to do as every day feels the same and I have been working.

Simon has been given his timetable for the next few weeks.  He goes back on Monday and then has a further 5 sessions which spread out randomly. Finished around 20th July.  What was encouraging today is that he asked for some help with his Chemistry work and Matthew didn't start that particular work until the beginning of year 11, so we hope they are giving him extra work to do early.

So until tomorrow.... stay alert and keep your distance!

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Day 79 - Stay Alert

Day 79 on this Sunny Tuesday.

We have had quite a lot of sun here today and thought I would capture it on our walk this evening.  I got myself all wrapped up thinking it might be chilly as I felt cold all day and it wasn't very cold at all.  

Had a full-on busy day today at work, which has been great as kept me out of mischief.  

We had another one of the Cook Shop meals for our tea tonight.  The boys had Cod Mornay and I had Beef Stroganoff.  I know mine was delicious and apparently the other was really good too.  This is a good way of them getting some fish in their diet as I don't like it and I am not too keen on cooking it either.  I have been known to make them a fish pie or two for them.

So how are you all feeling?  I feel a bit odd at the moment, not in a medical way, but just feeling a bit unsettled.  There have been so many different things going on in the press, that just makes you wonder what's going to happen next.  This has been going for so long now, that I am getting really fed up with it.  Other than going to the seaside at the weekend, we haven't really changed what we are doing.  We are still shopping the way we were before and seeing people from afar.  I worry that what's been happening in various Cities is going to ensure that this goes on for even longer.  I don't have an issue with people having their say, but they are being irresponsible whilst doing it, which is going to affect everyone.  

Just thought I would share the recipe that Matthew used to make our Millionaires Shortbread.  He has found a great website for Jane's Patisserie who apparently also has a blog and Youtube channel so he tells me!  He apparently follows her.  I think he will have to start making some of her recipes as they look extremely yummy!

So until tomorrow... stay safe and keep your distance!

Monday 8 June 2020

Day 78 - Stay Alert

Day 78 - Happy Monday!!

I hadn't got a photo for you tonight, so I picked one from a little while ago when it was lovely and sunny.  This little fella got a really big gold star tonight.  We went on our walk and there were some people behind us, but we thought they had gone a different way, but they hadn't and I had let him off his lead.  He went charging into a field jumping around as he does, as he is too short.  He makes me laugh.  At the last second, he saw the people coming our way and went running towards them.  I blew his whistle and he looked at me, then at the people and he came running back to me.  I was so pleased with him.  We carried on walking and not far from home he saw the people again and went running. I blew the whistle he turned around looked at me and came back.  While I was trying to get his treats out of his bag he decided he would help himself and got his nose in there. Little monkey.  So proud of him, he shocks me sometimes.

So how was your Monday?  I had a good day.  It was a fairly quiet day, but good.  We had Sweet and Sour Chicken, Egg Fried Rice and Duck Spring Rolls for our tea, which was very yummy.  We then went for our walk with the Tedmeister.

I feel a bit tired today, my late night and early morning over the weekend must be catching up with me.

There isn't much more to report today, so I shall leave you now....until tomorrow... stay alert and keep your distance!

Sunday 7 June 2020

Day 77 - Stay Alert

Day 77 and it's a grotty Sunday!

Not a lot to report today it has been a very quiet day.

Got up fairly late as we were up late watching James Bond and then I decided to read some more of my book.  I have finished clearing out the kitchen cupboards and I have moved some things around to make our lives a little easier - I hope!

We just had cheese on toast for lunch as I had the kitchen in a pickle and then made roast chicken with all the trimming for tea.  It was absolutely delicious if I do say so my self.  

I have listened to an audiobook most of the day while I was clearing out the cupboards and then been reading a different book.  I am a nightmare when I do this as I get myself a little confused about which book my head is in!  I am sure I can cope though.

It has been a really cold day again.  I got all the washing done but it hanging on the airers rather than the line today.  At least we have now had some rain for the crops and gardens.  Not sure what the week ahead will bring.  We were thinking of doing some more walks today but the weather was very uncertain so decided against it.

Like I said not a lot has happened so I am really sorry its another boring blog.  But we are all ok and looking forward to the week ahead.

So until tomorrow....stay safe and keep your distance!

Saturday 6 June 2020

Day 76 - Stay Alert

Day 76 and its Saturday!

Guess where 3 of us went this morning?  We got up at 7am and got ourselves ready for our little trip.  The 3 of us consisted of Me, Chris and Teddy. The other 2 decided they wanted to say in bed.  It was really windy and quite cold, but the sun did shine for us.  It was extremely quiet; much fewer people around than last week. I am thinking that is probably because of the weather.  We had a lovely walk along the front from the Pier to the end of the promenade.  We also managed to grab a coffee and breakfast roll from one of the tea shops.  Whilst we were driving Teddy absolutely loved it.  He decided that whilst we would walk on the promenade he would walk along the beach - crazy dog.  

We got home to 2 boys that had only just got up.  We then cleaned the house and I decided I would clean the kitchen cupboards out.  I have done around 4-5 hours and I still have more to do.  It's not that big a kitchen but I emptied them all out and also cleaned down all the doors and moved things around on the worktops.  I will finish it tomorrow as I need to complete it or it will annoy me.

We had burgers in brioche buns, along with onion rings and homemade wedges.  Then obviously a slice of Matthews Millionaires Shortbread, which was amazing.  That boy annoys me as he is better than me at baking.  His pastry is to die for!

Its rained on and off all day here - we need the rain but it makes it feel so depressing.  Let's hope we it rains all night and nice in the day - that would be ideal, wouldn't it.

So you all take care and until tomorrow.... keep your distance!