Sunday 4 October 2020

My blog!

Gosh, I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted a blog.  I sort of feel
sad about it but relieved that I haven't put you lovely people through reading my ramblings, but here I am again anyway!  I actually started typing this 3/4 weeks ago and just didn't manage to finish it, so you have some old and new to read.
So what has happened since my last blog, well there has been quite a lot actually.

The last date I posted was 18th August and we are now on the 4th October! Time really does fly and I can't say it has all been fine, which is a shame.

20th August had us taking Matthew over to his school to collect his GCSE Exam results.  You may have seen my post on FB.  We are ever so proud of what he achieved.  It just goes to show that if you do work hard throughout the year you will be rewarded.  To celebrate we went for our first in-doors meal - Matthew chose Pizza Express.  We felt fairly safe there.  We got there fairly late in the evening, so there were not many tables occupied and it wasn't on the 'eat out, to help out' evening so was much quieter, which we were really pleased about.  A lovely time had by all.

21st August was my last day at work for a week or so, as I planned to take some time off.  I haven't had a break since February, so I think it was well overdue.  I had tried to find somewhere for us to stay outside of our normal four walls, but that wasn't going to happen, either it was too expensive, the accommodation wasn't what I wanted (yes I can be a bit picky) or it wasn't where I wanted.  To be honest I was quite pleased I didn't book anywhere considering the weather we got lumbered with!

22nd August was Chris Birthday.  He never knows what he is going to be doing that day, so we tend not to organise too much.  We went to Woodbridge for a little walk in the morning after having bacon rolls for breakfast.  Whilst we were there we bumped into Teddy's sister Bessie.  They had a right old catch up (posted pics on FB) - its as if they knew who each other was.  Teddy doesn't react like that with any other dogs, it was really cute.  After a good walk, a takeaway drink and more of a walk we headed home.  In the evening we went to a local pub/restaurant, which was really nice.  Again we felt fairly safe, although we are finding that fewer places have their staff wearing any sort of facial coverings, this has changed now as that is the rule, but it wasn't back then.

Monday 24th, Chris had some jobs to do in the morning and then we headed over to Great Yarmouth for a good walk along the promenade and just to get our fill a seaside town.  It was extremely overcrowded, so we tried to keep away from the main thoroughfare of people, which was not very easy.  We had a takeaway near the beach, some doughnuts and ice cream and then made our way home.  Not sure I will be rushing back there for quite some time! 

Tuesday 25th, it rained like crazy here in the morning, so waited for it to finish and walked to the next village.  It was probably a 4 mile or so round trip.  Popped into the co-op for drinks and something sweet for our pudding, as the bakery was closed when we got there.  Our bakery never seems to stay open very late.

Wednesday 26th, we headed over to High Lodge, Thetford Forest.  The boys went on Segways for an hour.  It was funny watching them - I obviously had to look after Teddy, in the rain!  Matthew apparently fell off it twice.  The first time whilst looking at an aeroplane flying over and the second time couldn't stop it wobbling and ended up in a tree.  We then went on a long walk.  We ended up doing around 6 miles, which was quite an achievement for me.  We well and truly deserved the picnic I had packed us. It was a really nice day out in the fresh air doing something different.

Thursday 27th, we decided to drive over to Old Felixstowe.  Just in case you didn't know its next to Felixstowe.  We parked up and walked along the beach.  As the weather has been all over the show you never know quite what to wear and as usual, we had too many clothes on.  We stopped at the Ferry Boat Inn for a spot of lunch.  We sat outside in the garden and it was lovely.  This has to have been one of the safest places we have stopped for food as all the staff were wearing some kind of facial covering and they were taking precautions everywhere. So if you are that way, do pop in there.  The food is really good too.

Friday 28th was a complete washout here.  Our shopping was delivered first thing and we then popped it over to Chris parents - that was our day. 

Although we were in the same 4 walls, I did feel like I had a break, although the cherry on the cake would have been getting away for a few days.

Matthew had a football friendly on the Sunday against an adult team and they beat them, so the lads should be really proud.  Not sure the men were particularly happy about it though!  He is now playing under 18's football.  They might as well be classed as a men's team after looking at the size of some of the lads.

As we had the Bank Holiday bonus, we decided to go to Southwold for the day.  We haven't been there for quite some time.  The weather was fairly kind to us, only a little bit of rain, whilst the boys were playing on the putting green.  We had a delicious pastry for breakfast when we got there and then had a good old walk around from the pier down to the Ferry.  It was really busy, which we expected, but we didn't feel uncomfortable which was good.

Sorry, it has been a while since I blogged, I have just been so busy with going back to work, getting the boys sorted for going back to school etc.  Simon has had some football friendlies also - which had been rainy cold affairs - not sure if I have missed the football or not!!  He thought I was mad sitting my chair with my umbrella up and Teddy sitting on my lap.  Well, I didn't want him to get wet did I! :-)  As I am sure you have worked out the season has now started and it is still raining.  I think we have had 2 matches where the weather was glorious but now, it's just awful.

I have succumbed and have been to the hairdressers.  I haven't had it cut since January so was in need of something doing.  I had some little hints of colour put through it and a good cut.  She said one side on my head was longer than the other - oh I wonder how that happened? Maybe somebody who couldn't see cut my hair in the night!

Matthew has now started his Sunday league football with is first game over at Clare, which is a lovely village, although not sure about the team he played again, they were certainly not lovely.  Basically, all of the team Matthew plays in are under 17's and the opposition is mainly made up of under 18's, so as you can imagine there was a slight size difference.  I have never seen such nasty 'kids' as their manager called them, playing against either of my sons.  I found it quite hard to watch.  Matthew came up with a bruised knee and bruises down the side of his ribs and back.  The next day he got up with a sore back and neck because of it.  He got shoved in the back so much we think he must have got whiplash.  

Matthew had his 17th Birthday on the 18th September and it was a fairly quiet affair.  I did make him a cake - picture here.  This is what he wanted.  His provisional licence has only just turned up and he starts his driving lessons next Thursday.  He is a little nervous about it.  He has already said he doesn't want to go out with me as I am 'Cautious Claire' - that my name when we are travelling anywhere.  I admit I am a bit of a nervous passenger and I don't like crossing the road - where that came from who knows, we all have our weird things don't we.

We haven't really done very much since the boys went back to school, we haven't even made it to the seaside, which is Teddy's favourite place to go.  We will get back there soon.... I promise Teddy.  

So how are you all feeling?  If I am being totally honest, I am really fed up.  It just doesn't feel like this is going to end.  We are due to go up North for the half-term and just not sure if the rules will change their or here before we go, which will mean we can't go.  I just really want to get out of our 4 walls as it were, even if we only walk along the beach every day, I just want to go.  We were hoping to meet up with some people but not even sure if we can do that due to numbers!  Fingers crossed it all works out.

As I have been fed up I have decided to take up a little hobby.  I hope to be able to share it with you on my next blog.  

I have included various images of what we have been doing and seeing since I last posted a blog.

Sorry its been so long, I won't leave it so long next time!

You all take care and stay safe.

PS excuse the layout. Blogger have changed the way you use it and now I remember why I didn't finish it last time!  Its really isn't very good.